Easy style fundamentals to be unique

5 Important Style Fundamentals To Be Unique

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When analyzing many of my favorite outfits, I’ve found that there are 5 important style fundamentals to be unique.
Then again, you may not want to be unique, and that is fine too. These fundamentals are for the women who don’t want to blend in or be invisible anymore.

It’s taken me 50 years to get to this point, and everyone is on a different journey. So some of these may be too bold or different, but there’s always a starting point.

Quote of the day: “I learned to always take on things I’d never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist.” Ginni Rometty

When I read many of the fashion articles written by who knows, they are chocked full of hogwash. Hogwash that includes rules that create women who all look the same.

I find the idea of blending in with everyone else something that happens when we are younger and trying to fit in. But as a mature woman, I believe that we all are unique and interesting. And our outfits should showcase that.

The hardest part with these style fundamentals to be unique is the fact that change is hard. We all know it, and many times we all would rather play it safe. Too many times we fall into a “style” that we like and think that’s the end.
Yet without change, there are no butterflies. And there is a beautiful butterfly in each and every one of you.

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So I hope you consider these 5 important style fundamentals to be unique as something to work towards in your fashion journey. Or as I always say, “it’s good to evolve.”


Wear color for older women

Color is a powerful aspect of the style fundamentals to be unique. While you hear many women touting neutrals in order to look sophisticated and chic, neutrals can also be a way to blend into the background and then you end up being invisible.

Instead, by wearing color, you are creating a mood or effect that can make you and make others feel better. There are too many studies to list that talk about the psychology of color. In fact, ColorPsychology.org states that it is vital to the human experience.

And not only is wearing color one of my important style fundamentals to be unique, but it also provides a playground of color combinations that you may not have ever considered.
BTW, did you know that playing in your closet and putting together new outfits is a great brain exercise? You are building new brain pathways, so I say start experimenting with your clothes!!

We have shown ways to take baby steps to add more color to your looks and I invented a color recipe to figure out new color combinations.

2-Layering: Style Fundamentals to be Unique

Layering is one of those ideas we learned when we were young with our tops. It’s obvious that we layer a jacket over a top and a coat over a sweater. But the whole idea of creative layering doesn’t stop there.

In fact, one of my mantras is to think about 2 words whenever you are thinking about layering. Those 2 words?

Over and under. Say it with me…over and under.

Because almost everything and anything can be layered both over and under. We are usually comfortable doing this with shirts and sweaters to an extent. But don’t forget other clothing items.

Need some interesting ideas for layering? We have explored many including


Better fit with style hacks
Creating darts with magnets from the original post about Maggie’s Magnets

As a daughter of a seamstress, fit was something emphasized throughout my childhood and later years. Having an item fit your body is key when thinking about style fundamentals to be unique.
In saying that, we expect items that are mass produced to fit our individual bodies that do not always fall into the measurements of certain sizes. That expectation? Pure silliness!

What this really means is at least half of what we buy should most likely be altered. My mother not only taught home economics but also did alterations for Nordstroms and Hudsons after she retired from teaching.
And with her input, I wrote an article about alterations and what can be changed.

Insider tip: Even if you don’t do your own alterations, it’s good to know what things can easily be changed. This means when you try something on and it doesn’t exactly fit perfectly, you can analzye whether a little nip and tuck here or there will make it fabulous. (and I don’t mean a nip and tuck of your body).

In reality, many “alterations” can be “hacked.” I’ve written about my what I call my fashion styling kit that includes many tricks for making clothing fit better.
Besides having clothes altered for you, there are a ton of YouTube videos to teach you to do your own. This is the age where you can learn anything on YouTube.

Insider tip: If you are interested in doing your own alterations, I always recommend practicing on items that aren’t as special when you start. One thing I do is find inexpensive items at a thrift store and practice on those first.
It’s very freeing and inexpensive to know that you can fix clothing yourself.


You might not consider scarves as a style fundamental element, but because I think of them as magical pieces of fabric, I believe they can play a huge role in the idea of dressing in a unique way.

What makes scarves so amazing is the fact they are not sewn into something specific. They are a square or rectangular piece of fabric that can be folded, twisted or rolled into so many different shapes. On top of that they can be worn on all parts of your body. Even in the summer months.
Don’t believe me? Then check out the 11 ways we have worn scarves in our hot summer weather.

Since scarves can be a struggle for many women, there are no shortage of articles on my site showcasing these amazing items.

5-Print Mixing as a Style Fundamental to be Unique

Print mixing with camo and plaid
Original post about print mixing with camo

The last idea of style fundamentals to be unique would be print mixing. This is one concept that can scare the living bejeezus out of many adult women. Who knew that clothing could produce such terror in grown women who have lived through many experiences?

One of the reasons I consider it such a style fundamental is because it widens our closet combinations. And a versatile closet is a wonderful goal.

We have no issues combining two different solids in our outfits, so it should be no different combining two different prints.
Many people say it’s “too busy”. Yet we see loads of busyness in Mother Nature’s examples, and we rarely make that same statement.

I believe print mixing is something our brains can be trained to appreciate. But only if you are open to new and creative strategies regarding style fundamentals to be unique.

We have showcased many outfits incorporating print mixing. I hope you at least try it out and consider it an exercise to create new brain pathways.

5 style fundamentals to be unique

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo

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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

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