April 2022 Life Updates

I appreciate each and every share. Thank you!

The months just go speeding by, don’t they? I find that reviewing each month like this reminds me of all of the joys that have happened.

Facts: Some of these links are affiliate links. This means, if you click a link and make a purchase, Jodie’s Touch of Style gets a small commission at no extra cost to you. I do appreciate you supporting the brands that make this blog possible! I am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

This is the time of year in Arizona that is enviable. It’s warm enough to be considered springtime, yet the mornings are still cool. Now that we have lived here for almost 3 years, we know enough to appreciate these months and try to get the most from them.


It’s spring, and here is proof!
1-I unplugged the heated toilet seat. You may think that a heated toilet seat is the silliest thing ever, but I call it the best luxury for under $100. This is the exact one we have and love it, especially since it comes with a long cord. (actually, we have 2-one for each bathroom). We needed the long cord because our toilet doesn’t have an outlet right by it.

Insider tip: There are TWO versions. The elongated and the round. Make sure to check which shape your toilet bowl is before buying.

2-The ceiling fans are on all of the time now, and we folded back the comforter on the bed.
3-Cactus blooms are everywhere. If you ever thought the desert was boring, this is the proof it isn’t.
4-My toenails are now painted. I was hoping to say that I got a pedicure, but I just haven’t had time, so I painted them myself.

Insider tip: Did you know there are non-toxic polishes available?? I take my own in even when I go to get a pedicure. I like this polish the best (also found at Sprouts).

Social Activities

I may sound like a broken record sometimes, but I believe that the connections I have made on this blog and social media are the best!

This month I was able to see my friend Lisa, (photo on the upper left), who joined us on the blog when we were in Denver. She has her own blog but hasn’t been working on it lately.

And then we celebrated my friend, Cathie’s 49th birthday. You’ve seen Cathie on the blog a few times recently (even in our Target swimsuit review).


Yes, I have a shoe addiction, but in my defense, it’s all to research new styles and brands to share with you. Haha. How do you like that rationalization?

My monthly additions were these Walking Cradle sandals. These are called the “Nella” and I picked the gold color. You’ll see a review of them soon, but spoiler alert, I LOVE them.

Then you know my love of giveaways, and I won a pair of shoes from Embassy London recently on Instagram.

Insider tip: I wrote an article with tips about entering social media giveaways.


I have two interesting things to talk about for beauty.

1-We were pleasantly surprised when we used this stain eraser and found it worked fabulously. I bought it after Jennifer talked about it, but you know how you aren’t sure until you use it? In fact, it was when Rob spilled coffee on his white shirt, and so I took a video to see the results.
Now I make sure to carry one around at all times.

2– Another Instagram giveaway winning was this Swiss Line skincare called Cell Shock. This stuff is SO expensive, which is why I was super glad to win it. I was able to use it for a good 3 weeks before I saw my aesthetician. Did she think the more expensive product made a difference for me? No.

Insider tip: One of my favorite more natural brands is GoPure Beauty. Heck, you can get the 10-pack bundle for what the Cell Shock serum costs.


This was a great month for getting out and about. Most of the time, we will opt to go on a tour if it’s available because I always think we learn more that way. However, some places don’t offer tours. Here’s the fun we had this month.

1-We made it to the Phoenix art museum since the docent tours started up again.
2St. Anthony’s Greek Monastery in Florence, AZ. The grounds are beautiful and we were surprised to learn that it is relatively new, built in 1995.
3-The McCormick Stillman Railroad park may seem like a place for kids. But there was a cool museum there PLUS a wonderful exhibit of model trains too.
4-Phoenix Police museum where we discovered that the “Miranda” rights originated here in AZ.
5-Pioneer Living museum.

In our retirement community, we have these free concerts on Sunday nights. It’s so fabulous to be outside and enjoy the music. Unfortunately, we only made it to see one of them this month, and this is it for the spring. They will start up again this fall, so hopefully, we won’t be so dang busy (or tired, haha).

Thank you

I hope I say thank you enough because your support allows me to continue this journey which I just LOVE!!!
Supporting a blog can be easy and free. Just visiting my pages, clicking my links (especially for small businesses and sponsored posts), and sharing the things you like on your social media make a huge difference. Spreading the word is how I can reach more wonderful people like you!

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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

Find out more about all of us here. And make sure to join the email list where I include so much more.

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