Cat sisters

Best Senior Cat Products: Keeping Our Fur Babies Happy

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Since our fur babies are an important part of our families, it’s helpful to find what keeps them healthy and happy during their older years. I came up with this idea for this post about the best senior cat products when I had friends reach out and ask me about the items and food we give our cats.

How am I qualified to talk about the best senior cat products? Even though I’m not a veterinarian, we have had our two senior kitties for 7+ years, and with my biology and medical background as a dentist, I know a thing or two. Besides, a good friend is one who shares with others the tricks they know.

While not all of these products are for senior cats only, they are things that we purchase and have found to help with both of our senior kitties.

Insider tip: We drove 900 miles with these two kitties when we moved to Arizona 2 years ago. I wrote an entire post about our experience and what made it successful.

Related post: Trending pet products

Facts: Some of these links for the best senior cat products are affiliate links. Meaning, if you click a link and make a purchase, Jodie’s Touch of Style gets a small commission at no extra cost to you. I do appreciate you supporting the brands that make this blog possible! I am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Meet Monkey and Spookie

First, let me introduce our two rescued senior kitties. And yes, I decorate their collars with cute bows and flowers that can be found here on Amazon or here on Chewy.

Both kitties we rescued when living in Denver, and came with the names they have.
The two cats do not like each other and are hardly ever seen in the same vicinity. That’s exactly why I loved the featured photo so much with both of them looking out their big-screen television.

Funny story: Our tuxedo cat tends to hiss at Monkey from time to time. We also say, “More purring, less hissing”

On the left is Monkey. We rescued her after we put down our other kitty over 9 years ago. They told us she was 12 at the time, which would make her 21 years old now. Rob will tell you she is the sweetest kitty ever, but she can be an instigator at times. And she’s definitely a daddy’s girl.
We think she is a Maine Coon mix because of her incredibly loud singing at 4 in the morning. In fact, my latest quip to her is to tell her to use her “inside voice”. She’s not as large as most Maine Coons, weighing in at just under 10 pounds lately.
When we rescued her, she was already declawed. Her fur is that very thick fur that gets matted easily.

On the right is Spookie. When we retired, I decided I wanted a kitty that was a mama’s girl. So we found this tuxedo kitty and she is definitely a rascal. They told us she was over 8 when we rescued her and that was 8 years ago, so she would be over 16 now.
Spookie used to love to go outside, so we bought her a harness and leash until she ate something she shouldn’t have and became deathly sick.
In fact, whatever she ate caused kidney damage so that we had to take her for subcutaneous injections at the vet for an entire year (we call her our million-dollar kitty). Needless to say, that was 7 years ago and she has been healthy since.

Best cat scratcher

The Best Cat Scratcher

Number one for my best senior cat products isn’t just for older cats. It’s this particular cat scratcher.

What’s so special about this particular cat scratcher?? This brand has lasted so much longer (6-10 months) and doesn’t have all of the mess like the others we’ve purchased. And for under $5 on Amazon, it’s a great deal.

Healthy Food

Our pet babies are no different than us in that the food we eat has a huge impact on our health and well-being. Ever since Spookie had her kidney issues, we are very particular about the food we feed them. We actually read the ingredients and try to make sure the first 6 ingredients are recognizable (and not byproducts).
Some days we joke that we spend just as much on their food as ours!

In the last couple of months, we signed up with Chewy to have our wet food, dry food, treats, and cat supplements automatically sent to us monthly. This has been particularly helpful when the stores have had empty shelves lately.
A couple of the more healthy brands we buy for wet food are Blue Buffalo, Tiki Cat, Scrumptious from Scratch, and Reveal (which only has 2 ingredients but is not always easy to find on Chewy).

We do give them dry cat food also, and the two brands are Acana and Blue Buffalo, both from Chewy.

Supplements for Senior Cats

Does it seem silly to give our senior kitties supplements? They work for us so why not for our cats? Pets can be so tough because they can’t verbalize that they are in pain. So here are the top supplements for senior cats.

We find the best options from either Chewys or Amazon.

1- Salmon Oil. This helps to keep their dander down and make their coat nice. There are many salmon oil options on Amazon too.

2-Joint Supplements. We use many different supplements to help their joints.
B-Hyaflex. Hyaluronic acid
C-Naturopath pet arthritis

3-Pre and Probiotics. Just as our digestive system needs help, so can our cat’s digestion. My friend, Beth, has been using this with her senior cat and having fabulous results.

Insider tip: There are also some recommended by Pet MD’s article.

Best Senior Cat Products: Brush, Clippers & Injury

1. Brush. When a normal brush doesn’t get all of the mats out of your senior cat’s fur, then this Furminator is very helpful.

Insider tip: We asked the vet why she gets so many mats lately and was told it’s because she’s losing her flexibility and can’t groom herself as well as she used to.

2. Clippers. These can be helpful when a brush doesn’t get out all of the mats.

Insider tip: We watched many YouTube videos before attempting to use the clippers on her. Many articles said to leave it to a professional, but with both of us and only doing a small amount at a time, we ended up being very successful

3. Injury

When a cat gets injured, it’s not as easy to band-aid it. So here is what we found to be helpful.
A. Silver Gel. This is something we use for ourselves too, but it’s great for wound healing.

B. Pet Liquid Bandage

C. Pet Wrap. This sticks to itself so it’s easy to put on. And I see no reason you couldn’t use it for humans.

The Last Thing About the Best Senior Cat Products

The last thing I’ll discuss is not a product per se, but it’s been a lifesaver to us with our senior cats. We use a mobile vet for the cats now that we live here. It’s absolutely wonderful that they come to the house, so we don’t have to crate up the cats and hear them cry all the way to the office.

The vet and her technician come with their supplies and we usually have them set up in the guest bathroom. (You can view our guest bathroom here, as it’s not very big). They put a mat over the sink and will check and weigh each of the kitties.
Since both cats are very old, we don’t have them take blood or give them rabies shots anymore since they are inside only kitties.

If there is a prescription or something needed, we have been able to purchase it right away from the mobile vet. I’m sure the cost is a tad higher for the overall mobile vet service, but we have found it to be well worth it.

Our particular mobile vet even will provide in-home euthanasia when the time comes. If that isn’t peace of mind, then I don’t know what is.

Insider tip: How would you find your own mobile vet? Just google “mobile vet near me”.

Cat Litter Furniture

BTW, we also LOVE our cat litter furniture that you can see on each side of the kitties. The larger one (found on Amazon here) houses the bag of extra kitty litter and the shovel. Then the smaller one is on the other side.

Best senior cat products

Thank you

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