Breakthrough Concept– What to Wear with a Green Jacket
The idea of what to wear with a green jacket is a breakthrough for Lesley because she doesn’t like the color green. In fact, I was surprised when she pulled out this jacket when we were thrifting.
Quote of the day: “You need a lot of shots on goal. Not everything will work, but some of it will.” James Clear
I thought the quote was perfect for the idea of adding in a color you don’t normally wear. The reason Lesley even purchased this jacket is because she sees it as teal. And I would agree to a degree. Yet maybe you realize that color is very subjective and in a lot of lighting this jacket is a much greener teal than bluer teal. (In fact, Lesley’s daughter called it green also when she saw it in person).
Insider tip: Don’t get caught up in thinking that a certain color doesn’t work for you!! I feel like there is a shade of EVERY color that works with any complexion. The warmness or coolness of it along with how bright it is makes all the difference.
In fact, if you ever want to learn more about the colors for you, I learned a lot from Your Color Style.
So not only will I share Lesley’s idea of what to wear with a green jacket, but I will also give a couple of tips on incorporating a new color into your wardrobe.
Other green outfit options
Spring Style–How to Wear a Utility Vest
Powerful Color with a Green Kimono Outfit
Lesley’s Look & Funny Thoughts
Skirt: Toad & Co ~~ Jacket: Coldwater Creek-thrifted ~~ Top: Chicos~~ Shoes: Yes We Vibe~~ Scarf: ~~ Purse: Maurica
I just have to share Lesley’s thoughts about this look and the “green jacket”. In her words:
“The jury is still out (about what color this jacket is), but for the sake of this post which is close to the start of spring and St. Patty’s day, it will pass as GREEN.
In case some of you have missed it, Lesley does not like green. She also does not cook, hates country music and steak, but that is a whole other issue.”
I think we can all relate to liking and disliking certain things or colors. Yet part of my thinking is we should be more open to some of these dislikes because they aren’t all created equally.
For example green. There are greens that have more blue in them like this jacket, and it might be nice to have different shades of clothing in your closet.
What to Wear with a Green Jacket
Since we were walking around the botanical gardens this day, Lesley wore this jacket with an outfit that leans toward spring even though it’s a suede jacket.
Lesley commented that she found a scarf in her collection that pulled the outfit together into a “planned out look” which before the scarf could have been a mish mash of colors.
The Secrets of a Planned Out Look
I thought it was interesting that Lesley commented how her scarf really tied the colors together. That’s definitely one reason I think scarves can be magical.
And notice that she didn’t do any special “tie” with the scarf. She just draped it around her neck and tied a knot in it while adjusting the knot to the side.
Insider tip: If your scarf won’t stay put. Many times you can use either a bobby pin or scarf clip to keep it in place.
Footwear with Skirts
We discussed what are the “right” shoes to wear with skirts a few weeks back. See the posts linked below.
Sneakers really work so well at least here in Arizona especially when it warms up. Skirts are generally cooler and sneakers are practical when we are out touring and exploring.
Other ideas for which shoes to wear with different length skirts
4 Options of Shoes with Skirts- A Spotlight on a Knee Length Skirt
4 Popular Options-Shoes to Wear with a Long Skirt
The Bottom Line on Shoes to Wear- With Short Skirts
Shoes Can Be Magical
Just like a scarf can tie in the colors of an outfit, so can the right shoes. Since most of us have given up on only wearing shoes to make us look taller (because trust me, you’re not going to think I’m tall when you meet me in person), why not have fun with your shoes?
Lesley is the one who introduced me to this brand of shoes. They are called Yes We Vibe, and because of her I reached out to be an ambassador. They have all kinds of patterns and even different kinds of sneakers.
We decided that we like this style the best in case you’re interested (these are the regular sneakers as opposed to slip ons or chunky sneakers).
I do have a discount code of JODIE10 (which is 10%OFF) and JODIEBOGO (buy one get one free on all FOOTWEAR).
I’m wearing my blue pair of Yes We Vibe sneakers in this short Instagram video.
How to Incorporate a New Color to Your Closet
I theorize that most people tend to buy the same thing over and over (and there’s a good reason for that. You like it so you buy it again. And again. And again, LOL). However, it’s good to incorporate a new color to your closet so you can have some variety too!
How do you do this? (You can also see my color recipe which will walk you through it)
1-Start by pairing the new color with a neutral. The easiest is either black or white. But most browns, grey and denim will work too!!
2– Now analyze the color. It should pair nicely with another shade of the same color. For example, you could answer the question of what to wear with this green jacket with pairing it with a mint green.
3-Finding a print item with that color already in it, makes it an easy combination.
4-Then the advanced option would be to pair it with its complimentary color or any contrasting color. For this green jacket, you can see how yellow works beautifully with it. Or how about pink, orange or even lilac??
Remember to play around with all of the colors in your closet. It creates so much variety when you use color combinations that you have never worn before.
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