A Brown & Green Color Combination in Men’s Wear
Quote of the day: “Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” Francis Chan
I have to admit that I love all colors! But what’s especially fun for me is to put different color combinations together that maybe you wouldn’t always think about! Now when I say this, that doesn’t mean that I put this outfit together for my husband, Rob! No, he styled this one himself. But he’s been around me long enough to learn and enjoy the process too!
Rob’s Outfit: We were hanging out in Cherry Creek after getting our hair cuts this one day!
If you’re not familiar with Denver, then I’d describe Cherry Creek as a stylish area of town! Therefore, when we go get our hair cut appointments, Rob knows I expect him to wear more than just blue jeans!
But really, brown jeans aren’t too loud or obnoxious for those men that still like classic styles! Levis even has some great brown jeans that don’t cost an arm and a leg here or here! Rob happened to get his pair at H&M many years ago!!
I talked about how I got my husband to wear necklaces back in the post when we were “borrowing” his clothing items!!
And he really does wear this jewelry when we go out!! This particular one is a portion of a map that looks so interesting!
I realize that many men wouldn’t consider wearing a necklace (or as my husband calls it, stud apparel) but come on, doesn’t everyone want to be “batman?” Or this one is so architecturally interesting that I’m sure I’d be stealing it quite often!!
As for the rest of the outfit, I think it’s quite simple!
Rob matched his sneakers to his jeans, and the two shirts are basically the same colors of each other. I just think it’s a little different because you don’t always see brown combined with green!
But you have to check out some of the funny graphic t-shirts available. Which guys wouldn’t want this one? Or be thought of as a comic hero wearing this one?
The green button up shirt is a linen blend which is perfect for the warmer months!!
We bought this one at H&M also many years ago. I think Rob is more apt to try some of the items I suggest when they aren’t super expensive. I realize there is quite a big deal about fast fashion going around the internet, and I understand the concept. But I also appreciate not having to spend too much on certain pieces!
Putting together a different color combination, can be a super easy way to breathe some new life into your closet! And I think this holds true whether you are a male or a female! What do you think? Have you ever worn green and brown together like this?
Jeans: H&M (similar here)~~Shirt: H&M (similar here)~~T-Shirt: Aeropostale (similar here)~~Shoes: Aldo (similar here)~~Belt: (similar here)~~Stud Apparel: (similar here as a city on a dogtag)
Thanks to you all!
The Facts
Even if you wouldn’t consider purchasing your clothing online, it can be helpful to look through my links to see what is available! It certainly doesn’t hurt my feelings, if you click on them but don’t like them. Just so you know, one of the ways I make money from this blog is through these linked items.
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Since I was looking at graphic tees as similar items for this post, I found some enjoyable ones that you or your man might enjoy: