I always evaluate my variety at the end of the week, and I’m noticing that the warm colors are outweighing the cool colors. I’ll have to pull out more blues, greens, and purples for next week.
But I did wear a scarf every day (can you find them all?) and there was 1 dress, 2 skirts (different lengths), leggings, trousers, and cropped pants all in the mix.
Scarf Challenge
My friend, Mireille, and I are hosting a scarf challenge. What this means is that for the last two weeks of March 2023, I hope you will wear a scarf and share it on my FB post by adding your photo to the comment section.
I will share photos of the participants in my Daily Outfit posts.
If you aren’t comfortable adding your photos, feel free to email them to me, and I will do it for you!! Jtouchofstyle@gmail.com

I think you would enjoy it if you signed up for the emails below. Besides the free eBook, my email family gets personal tidbits of what’s going on in my life along with other happenings, sales, information, giveaways, extra photos, and inspirational articles.

I wanted to wear one of my fun skirts and decided to keep it light and bright. So I grabbed this star sweater which basically pulls in the color of the waistband.
You’ve seen the skirt here before on the blog with its matching top.
But today I wanted to add an orange top with the skirt. It’s not my favorite look, but you don’t know until you try.
I LOVE the sweater (in fact, I wore it 5 different ways here) and it’s from Naomi & Ruth from 2 seasons ago. Feel free to check out her site and use code Jodi15 for a discount.
Insider tip: The sweater is oversized, so I used a clear elastic to pull the extra material together in the front and then just tucked it under. It stayed all day no problem.
Then I chose my brogue shoes that don’t get worn as much as I wish they would. I have to admit, that they are much more comfortable with my Sheec socks. They used to hurt when I wore them with no socks.
Today, I’m wearing a scarf on my hat! Remember, these pieces of material can be worn on almost anything and everything.
BTW, this hat is still available for under $30 on Amazon and comes in a ton of colors.

These are all older things from my closet. In fact, this blazer is one that I thrifted over 15 years ago and used to wear at work.
I paired it with my llama sweater and instead of the white pants I had planned, decided to go for some more colorful pants.
You’ve seen these pants worn casually (cuffed, wearing a denim jacket and sneakers) here.
And the ballet flats are from my working days too and it’s a good thing I kept them since they are back in style. The only difference is I’m wearing the Ultra-Low rise Sheec socks with them now. I always used to just wear them with bare feet.
One of my Gibby’s scarves is around my neck for my scarf challenge. She’s not making these scarves or headbands anymore which is a shame. They are 4-way stretch material which is more comfortable than some scarves plus they are smaller which means they aren’t overwhelming.

I won this long vest last year and have hardly worn it, so I paired it with my favorite sparkly jacket.
This jacket has a funny story. Lesley was over at Just Be Youtiful and had bought it for me for my birthday unbeknownst to me. But then I saw it on Kym’s FB page and I asked her if she had my size. Lesley saw that exchange on FB, and had to call Kym and make sure she didn’t sell it to me. Let’s just say that Lesley knows my style well.
For the scarf challenge, I’m adding this spectacular scarf to my head. I knotted it a couple of times to have it stand up more, and then used bobby pins behind my ears to keep it in place.
The funny thing is this scarf ended up in different places throughout the day. For my chiro appointment, it ended up on my purse, and then after that I threw it around my neck.
You can see these hand-painted heart earrings in the top photo. They are made by two sisters and I met them on Instagram. Their shop is called Lil Shop of Ours. They will customize the earrings to the colors you choose and they are wonderful women.
And it really is raining today, so I was able to wear my rain boots once again! Leopard and stripes for fun print mixing.

This outfit isn’t the picture of spring colors, is it? But I figured I could add lightness to it in some way. And I think the scarf did that, right?
This bubble skirt was found at Goodwill and was worn for a summer day here. You may think it’s not flattering because it adds volume to my butt and thighs, but that type of thinking gets us nowhere. Besides having that volume sure makes my legs look smaller, if you want to think of it that way.
The 2 piece sweater is one I found last spring, and I love how I can break it up. I’ve worn it together with shorts and the top portion by itself before.
I’m wearing brown fishnet hosiery with these brown ankle boots. I found these boots for $5 yet I don’t wear them much. There is yarn detail at the edge which is why I’m so gaga over them.
Then the scarf as a belt. The scarf is actually leftover material from this maxi dress that my mom shortened for me. It’s held in place by one of my Maggie’s magnets (found on Amazon).
I did accessorize with a red necklace but could have easily worn a pink one too. So many options, and so little time, haha.

This sweater and pink camisole had been sitting in my alterations pile for ages. The velvet camisole was an easy fix as I just needed to shorten the straps.
The cardigan used to be longer and the yarn I had used for the darker pink that was long just hung wonky and I didn’t like it. So I decided to cut it off and it’s perfect now that you’re seeing more cropped items.
These white cropped pants I’ve shown on the blog wearing with 5 different kinds of tops (and shoes). I really like the flare on these pants.
The booties actually seem too dark for the look now that I see these photos. I may change them before we go out for the day.
Insider tip: Take a selfie photo before you leave the house. You may be surprised at how it looks different than what you saw in the mirror.
I’m wearing my scarf linked through a chain necklace and then wrapped around it too. I pulled the lime green from the scarf into the rest of the look with my earrings, bracelet, and glasses. If you get my email, then you saw a closeup of the scarf/necklace.
BTW, these earrings are made by Lil Shop of Ours. They will customize the earrings to the colors you choose and they are wonderful women.

This dress is a perfect example of ignoring sizes. It was labeled at Savers in the 16/18 sizing, the tag says M, and I normally wear an XS. While it is very roomy on me, it will be the perfect summer dress. I may take it in along the side seams a bit, but in hundred-degree weather, you don’t want your clothing tight to your body.
But I did want to wear it somehow for now, so I layered a v-neck sweater under it. The dress is a square neck, so I covered up the discrepancies between the necklines with a scarf.
This is an infinity scarf that I knit years ago. I just tied a self-knot in the front, and I used Glamour Maggie magnets to make sure it doesn’t move around during the day.
Insider discount: 15Jodiestyle for any Maggie’s magnets. Here is the link to the Glamour ones.
I’m wearing the ubiquitous white sneakers with the best no-show sock, Sheec socks.
BTW, these earrings are from Sally Hoffman designs, who is a local jewelry designer.
Scarf Challenge Participants
Here are all of the wonderful participants for the scarf challenge this week. Don’t forget the challenge goes through next week too, so it’s a great reason to pull out your scarves.
My friend, Mireille, is co-hosting this challenge, so make sure to pop over to her site and see all of her looks.

Cathy joined in 4 times (the 3 outfits above and once below). That third scarf is one that she made in a scarf class with dye and silk. And that second scarf looks like one I could somehow knit and create. It’s such a beautiful statement.

1st photo-Cathy again with a great way to tie together the dress and jacket
2nd & 3rd photo– Tresi wearing 2 wrapped scarves with two different looks. Check out her wonderful pink hair that she recently dyed.

1st & 2nd photo-Kris attached her scarf in the first photo with a safety pin so it wouldn’t move around all day. And the second photo is wearing it to look like the trim of a cardigan like Lesley did here in a past article.
3rd photo-My friend, Valerie (the leader of our online book club) was in Abu Dhabi and had to use a scarf to cover her head.

1st photo-Wendy from the Uk has become a master at print mixing and adding sass with those fabulous color boots
2nd photo–Michelle creates a wonderful addition to her outfit with her scarf
3rd photo-I’m sure you recognize this beauty. My mom sent this photo to me as what she wore this day running errands.

1st & 2nd photo: Donna-Marie knit both of these scarves and crocheted the details around the edging of the second one. Sorry for the fuzzy image, but I cropped out the other women and it made it funky.
3rd photo: Mireille wears this same scarf in a totally different way on her blog post. Make sure to check it out.

1st photo-Eileen wearing a beautiful floral scarf that blends so fabulously with her complexion
2nd photo– Lisa knit her wool scarf. She is a friend of one of my knitting friends who I am looking forward to meeting soon.
3rd photo-Nancy is wearing a headscarf in the most recent Sun City production on stage and our own, Lesley styled this for her.
Thank you
My goal with my daily looks post is to find things that help inspire you with my daily outfits and to bring a smile and kindness to your life. I truly think that clothing is our way to express our personality visually.
I hope I say thank you enough because your support allows me to continue this journey which I just LOVE!!!
Supporting a blog can be easy and free. Just visiting my pages, clicking my links (especially for small businesses and sponsored posts), and sharing the things you like on your social media make a huge difference. Spreading the word is how I can reach more wonderful people like you!

Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.
It’s not just about me on this blog, but also about my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.