Yes, it’s hot outside, but the nice thing is that I can put on sandals in the morning without freezing. One of the vintage signs we saw promoting Phoenix the other day called it a “Cool Heat”. Seriously, it’s totally different than the humid days of Ohio.
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I wanted to wear this blazer I found thrifting and since we were going to church and running errands, it was a great cover for the AC.
The pink lining of the blazer was my inspiration for the skirt. I also wore a green shirt under it.
The ivory crochet sandals are ones that I purchased from a friend who couldn’t figure out how to wear them. And I grabbed my straw earrings.
Insider shopping: There are a bunch of fabulous straw earrings on Amazon that don’t cost an arm and a leg.
BTW, I’ve worn this skirt years ago with 5 different jackets.

Dog training day so a pair of shorts and a cool top are my go-to. This top is from Your Revolving Closet and I wore my adhesive bra because the armholes are big. If I wanted to keep it, I would alter it by shortening the straps.
Insider tip: Not all adhesive bras are created equal. I tried the less expensive ones on Amazon that the young girls talk about, but the edges pulled away from my body and didn’t stay on all day.
I get about 40 wears from this adhesive bra and highly recommend it. I even created a YouTube video about it. I also wear boob tape and have written about the comparison of the two.
I found the shorts at Old Navy for a mere $3 in the store, and I love the “girls” version because they have an adjustable elastic in the waistband. Old Navy has a great assortment of denim in all lengths for summer which is a great deal.
I wore a bucket hat that usually got worn at water aerobics and added my pink sandals. My flower earrings are hard to see, but they work nicely with the “J” necklace from my friend’s jewelry site.
Insider tip: These alphabet necklaces are budget-friendly and you support a small business with a sale. Use code Jodie20 for a discount.

This is the type of dress that is perfect for our hot weather. It’s lightweight, colorful, and not fitted.
You may think that a wide belt like this would be the last thing you’d want to wear on a hot day, but it’s not as hot as leather. And it’s not super tight.
BTW, I ended up flipping the belt upside down so the white ties hung from the top.
I’m loving these Lamo sandals because of the print and how comfortable they are. Considering the price, I might get them in the black and white print.
Then I added these huge hand-painted earrings made by sisters I met on Instagram. I’m not sure they are still creating earrings, but I’m glad I have these.
The glasses match the dress perfectly, right? They are toppers to my frames, and I will be talking more about them soon.

Since it wasn’t an easy task to DIY this skirt, I figured I should wear it more than once this summer.
Besides a white skirt goes with everything.
Today, I wore it with a blue textured top from Just Be Youtiful. It’s like an upscale t-shirt. That’s one of the secrets to fun fashion. Find pieces that are shaped like normal items but have something unique about them.
I used the front tuck method so you could appreciate the belt. Otherwise, it seemed sloppy to me.
I didn’t want to be matchy-matchy, so I wore a metal belt, ivory sandals, a pink printed headband, and multicolored earrings.
The sandals are comfortable for walking and perfect for a casual day at home (before I go to PT at which time I’ll change to workout gear). Ros has these sandals this season in black and gold and they have a moderate arch support as part of the sole.

We took blog photos this morning, and then I changed into pants. Then I changed again into shorts so we could paint a wall. I was planning on wearing the pants again tomorrow, but I’ll wait until next week.
During my working days, I would wear the same pair of pants all week long and just change out my top/blazer. It was a great way to keep track of which pants needed laundering.
Then again, I saw different patients every day and I don’t even know if my staff noticed.
The linen pants are super comfy and pairing them with a lilac top was a first for me.
I wore a clip-on earring at the waistband and used an earring to hold the strands of pearls together (although they look wonky here).
The nude sandals were such a great buy from Goodwill. Basics are something I struggle to buy because I always want the fun items, but these have been worn tons.

Well, I caved and bought something else from my Your Revolving Closet box. I just loved the color and shape of this top and it was only $8.
BTW, I’m wearing my adhesive bra again.
I wore it with this fabulous skirt that I found for $2 while thrifting. I had to alter the waistband in the back, but it was an easy fix.
To me, the top and skirt almost look like they go together and form a dress.
I wore the jelly sandals that I won in a giveaway two years ago and my lime green headband.
Most of my jewelry is gold, but I slipped in some pink bracelets.
I’m also carrying a bright pink blazer for the AC at the stores today.
Thank you
My goal with my daily looks post is to find things that help inspire you with my daily outfits and to bring a smile and kindness to your life. I truly think that clothing is our way to express our personality visually.
I hope I thank you enough because your support allows me to continue this journey which I LOVE!!!
Supporting a blog can be easy and free. Just visiting my pages, clicking my links (especially for small businesses and sponsored posts), and sharing the things you like on your social media make a huge difference. Spreading the word is how I can reach more wonderful people like you!

Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.
It’s not just about me on this blog, but also about my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.