Discovering 5 Unique Bodysuit Outfits from Casual to Dressy

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Pink bodysuit outfits

Discovering 5 Unique Bodysuit Outfits from Casual to Dressy

I wanted to experiment with bodysuit outfits when I recently bought this Eden & Ivy bodysuit that was designed by J’s Everyday Fashion.

Quote of the day: “Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world.” Margaret Laurence

I have been a fan of Jeanette (the creator of J’s Everyday Fashion) since I started blogging, so I was excited to support her endeavor. This collaboration with Eden & Ivy is part of a program to create employment opportunities for women in Nepal who are at-risk or survivors of human trafficking.

I wore these bodysuit outfits in a short Instagram video recently, and here are the details.
As I always say, the idea of never say never is important. Personally I never thought I’d be wearing a bodysuit again. Yet there are advantages to them.

Why might a bodysuit be good for you?
1-If you have problems keeping a top tucked into your pants or skirt.
2-It can be annoying when the hem of your top rolls up and especially if a top rides up enough to show your tummy.
3-If you don’t like tucking your top into your undies.

Insider tip: You could make your own bodysuit out of a large t-shirt and customize how long, and how it fits. I saw this video (not mine) that explains it well.
AND remember, they don’t all have to be skin tight. I found many below that look like a regular top.

Here are the bodysuit outfits that I came up for my closet:
1-Wearing it with pants/shorts
2-Under a jumpsuit
3-Styled with a skirt
4-Work appropriate
5-Layered under a dress
Can you think of other ways to wear them?

Shorts for woman over 50

Bodysuit Outfits with Shorts

Since it has been hotter than hot lately, I wanted to see how the bodysuit would look with a pair of shorts. Granted this would be the same kind of look with pants or jeans too.
Spookie is joining to show how a furry accessory is good with any outfit.

Details of the Outfit

This pair of shorts are great for the Arizona heat because they are linen. I’ve worn them on the blog with a blue embroidered top before. However, they seemed a tad too short, so recently, I took out the hem and lengthened them about an inch longer.

Insider tip: If you need your shorts or pants longer, it could be possible especially with the raw hem trend that is popular now. Remove the stitching holding the hem, and make it as long as you can.
Another idea is adding a different material to the hem.

You have seen these Walking Cradle pink wedge sandals many times before. Obviously I have a lot of pink in my wardrobe so they look good with a lot of outfits.

Bodysuit outfits with a jumpsuit

Under a Jumpsuit

Since the idea of layering OVER a jumpsuit makes it even more time consuming to go to the bathroom, I wanted to see how layering under it worked.

Details of the Outfit

This jumpsuit is secondhand from thredUp (if you go through my link, you can get $10 to spend, and then so do I). It was strapless, however, I added blue ribbons as straps so I could wear a bra normally (which you can see in an older post here).
For this look, I tucked the straps in and let the bodysuit be the way to cover my bra straps.

Insider tip: I have explored 5 ways to wear spaghetti strap pieces and this could be another way.

Make sure to check out more from this series of how to wear a piece 5 different ways:
Colorful Kimono Styled with 5 Different Color Combinations
Print Silk Pants
One Dress Worn Different Ways
Halftee to Stay Modest

Dressing up a bodysuit

Pleated Skirt

I chose a pleated skirt as one of the bodysuit outfits due to the proportion. Since a pleated skirt has more volume, it’s nice to have a more fitted top. Having a top that hangs over the skirt can look strange. Although using the half tuck can help tremendously. (You can see how I tried to use the half tuck with a sweater and this exact skirt in this blog post)

Insider tip: Proportion is one of those details about an outfit that we don’t always discuss. Current thought is that outfits look better when there is a 1/3 proportion involved. For example the shorts outfit above may not be your favorite because it’s a half and half proportion.
This outfit showcases the bodysuit as 1/3 and the skirt as 2/3 which is usually more flattering to the eye.

Details of the Outfit

The pleated skirt is one I bought from Walmart online when were were comparing Amazon to other companies. I chose this one versus the Amazon one because it ended up being $10 less.

Even though silver isn’t the best color for my complexion, I am using the trick of wearing a “bad” color on the bottom half like Lesley styled recently. Noticed I wore gold jewelry with the silver skirt.

Insider tip: It’s perfectly acceptable to mix metals in our jewelry or outfit. Silver and gold can be good friends.

Bodysuit outfits for work

Bodysuit Outfits for Work

You might worry that the ruffle sleeves wouldn’t allow for a layering piece over this bodysuit. Well, at least I did at first. However, the ruffles are thin enough that they didn’t get in the way for this blazer.
Most bodysuits would work under a blazer wonderfully because they are so fitted.

Details of the Outfit

This white jacket has been worn a ton since we moved to Arizona. It was a very inexpensive one from BooHoo that I bought years ago. However, it was too lightweight for Denver, so I barely wore it. Now, I pull it out often to wear to doctor’s appointments.

The linen pants have gotten a tad tight since CoVid, but hopefully that will fix itself soon. I like how they are a print, but a subtle print.
And the navy heels are the Walking Cradles “Marley” version. I only wish I had these when I was working since I wore heels every day at the office.

Bodysuit outfits wearing it under a dress

Under a Dress

I tried to think of ways to wear the bodysuit like I would my Halftee. What I mean is to wear it as a layering tool to either provide coverage at your chest or maybe to cover your bra straps. When I noticed that this dress and bodysuit were basically the same color, I wondered how it would look.
While this may look strange since there is space between the spaghetti straps of the dress and the ruffle sleeves, it could work better under a different dress.

Insider tip: Another option I wished I had tried would be to safety pin the ruffles to the straps so there wouldn’t be that space.

Details of the Outfit

This dress I purchased at Francescas which is considered a young women’s store. Sure, it may not be super high quality, but I have worn it half a dozen times. Just like I discussed in the post about if the cost of clothing reflects the quality, you might be surprised at the quality of some of the lesser cost items.

These earrings are from Frannie & Elinor and have been a wonderful addition to my collection. They are big enough to make me happy, yet they still blend for the loudest outfits.

Notice the print on the sandals. While these snakeskin shoes are a couple of years old, I am seeing more and more snakeskin shoes at the stores. It’s a much more subtle print than the leopard, and really goes with everything.

Insider tip: Don’t forget to check out how to convert your ankle strap shoes to velcro on my YouTube video.

5 Bodysuit outfits

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo

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