A Dress 3 Ways for the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s: (As a Skirt)
Quote of the day: “We do not need to see eye to eye to walk arm in arm.” Carolee Stevens
Until I started blogging, I would never, ever have considered wearing a shirt over my dress. The reason I had a dress was to make a one item decision about getting dressed for an affair, not add to my decision making.
Maybe I would think about wearing a cardigan with my dress for warmth, but not for the idea of styling my dress so one would actually think it more of a skirt. In fact, most of us have enough clothes in our closet that “stretching” our wardrobe is not needed.
But the time that this trick could be useful is when travelling. So even if you think this is silly, keep it in mind next time you’re packing for a trip.
These same dresses can be viewed worn by themselves or with a skirt over it.

50’s Dress 3 Ways: Okay…let’s all have a giggle at how the wetted area on my shirt didn’t dry by the time we took pictures!!
Dress: INC ~~Top: Cherokee ~~~~Shoes: Styluxe ~~Necklace: Bauble Bar ~~Ring: Charming Charlies

60’s Dress 3 Ways: Even though Nancy’s dress had a relatively high neckline, so did her shirt, thus covering it perfectly. Plus the shirt is a wonderful backdrop for this necklace.
Dress: Liz Claiborne~~Top: Chicos ~~Shoes: John March

70’s Dress 3 Ways: Realistically, here is a foolproof way to take a lighter weight dress and make it cooler weather appropriate. If it was really chilly, tights could have been added.
Dress: Dressbarn~~Sweater: Karen Scott ~~Boots: Bandolino
Remember to smile even when you don’t feel like it….it costs nothing and makes everyone feel good!!
[tweetthis]Wearing a dress to look like a skirt…check it out at @jodiefilogomo[/tweetthis]