At what age do you start referring to our routines as mature skincare? Is it over 40, over 50, or beyond? I think it especially holds true once we hit menopause and our hormones as well as our bodies change.
Quote of the day: “I’m not 25, so why should I be trying to look 25? I have all this life experience.” Cindy Crawford
After experimenting and learning about our skin, and the products we put on it as well as keeping up on new advances, I wanted to share some of this knowledge.
You may not think that with a full medicine cabinet of different products I would be addressing a minimalistic approach.
However, one way to learn to use less is to figure out what works and what doesn’t. And that’s where my research with products and picking my aesthetician’s brain has given me so much insight.
The factor, as we all know, is that our skin is as unique as our body shapes. That’s why seeing an aesthetician who can individualize a plan for you can be beneficial.
Insider tip: Even in saying that about an aesthetician, they only know what they know. That’s why you have to analyze the results yourself and be willing to get other opinions.
Skincare is something I deem incredibly important to feeling good at any age. That’s why there are a plethora of articles on this subject if you would like more information.
- My PM skincare routine
- Options for eyebrows for women over 50
- Recycling beauty products
- Tips for the 5 minute face
Mature Skincare Routine
It’s not often that I share a makeup-free face. Truthfully, my usual concerns are adding hydration to my skin, evening out my skin tone as well as covering the scarring on my lips (I don’t care as much about my cleft lip scar).
I admit that I feel I have tried almost anything and everything barring surgery when it comes to new advances in mature skincare.
That 12-step Korean system?
Yep, tried it.
All of the specialized creams for this part of your face vs that part?
Yep, tried those too.

Yet spending half an hour both morning and night is not always the way I want to spend my day.
So little, by little I have been eliminating steps and analyzing what I see and feel.
The fact of the matter is, I’m going to have wrinkles and changes because I’m accumulating birthdays. And that isn’t upsetting to me.
My goal is to look the best I can without spending an arm and a leg either in time or money. And at this stage, I am not open to surgery.
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Natural Mature Skincare Products
The first thing I have been concentrating on for mature skin care is to look for more natural products.
At first, this can seem overwhelming because it’s like learning a whole new language.
Insider tip: Until you know all the ingredients to stay away from you can check them on two sites.
Either EWG site or Paula’s Choice site.
Not every product is on EWG, which is why it’s nice to use both sites.
In all reality, not all “natural” products are always better for your skin. Our skin is unique like everything else about us, so it’s a try-and-see process.
Yet, trying to reduce the amount of toxins you are putting on your skin is the goal.
I’ve also been starting to focus on USDA-certified products. This is a recent trend so I haven’t switched everything over yet.
I use many different skincare brands because I believe that my skin does the best with variety.
Here is a list of what’s in my medicine cabinet.
- Versed
- Paula’s Choice
- Purity Woods use Jodie as a discount code
- Doll10

Purity Woods Skincare
For a minute, let me focus on Purity Woods, and why I have been using this new brand. First off, just look at those ingredients.

No chemicals.
Not a one.
And secondly, I like a brand that isn’t the same as all the others. Purity Wood’s hero ingredient (in all of their products) is Maple Leaf Extract. It’s a lesser-known ingredient that has 17 unique enzymes and it blocks the breakdown of elastin. I heard it’s been used traditionally and medicinally for hundreds of years.
I did some research, eh? In fact, I was so impressed, that I reached out to be an affiliate. But I bought my own serum just to try it out. They then sent me some moisturizers.
Insider discount: Use code Jodie at checkout for 10% off.
But no matter what your natural mature skincare brand of choice is, it behooves you to read and know what’s in it.
One of the ways I’ve gone minimalistic with my mature skincare is to stop using/buying eye cream. To me, it just seems like hype to think that the skin around our eyes is any different. Sure it may seem thinner but our face moisturizer should work fine for it.
Insider tip: For the eye cream I already have? I won’t let it go to waste. I use it on the rest of my body.
How to’s for Skincare
Using the right products can certainly make a difference, but it’s also HOW you use what you have.
These are some tricks I’ve learned over the years from various professionals.
Double Cleansing
Double cleansing means washing your face with both an oil-based cleanser and then a water-based cleanser.
It sounds like so much more work, right? But if you think about the fact that oil and water remove different things, then it also makes a ton of sense.
But let’s make it easy and fast.
Here’s how:
Just apply your oil-based cleanser and start rubbing it in. Then before rinsing and drying, add your water-based cleanser. Basically, you are layering them. Then you wash them off at the same time. It really only adds 5 seconds to your routine.
Insider tip: If you don’t know what kind of cleansers you have, look at the ingredients. If water is one of the first ingredients, it’s water-based. Otherwise, it will have some sort of oil as one of the first ingredients.
BTW, ANY water-based cleanser will have to have a variety of chemicals so it doesn’t mold.
But there’s a caveat with your cleansers.
Use Your Cleanser for 2 Minutes
What? The old me– I rub on the cleansers and then wash and dry in less than a minute.
But no. That’s not beneficial.
It takes time to wash off all that grime, makeup, and environmental pollution on your face.
Insider tip: It’s no different than brushing your teeth for 2 minutes.
You may have heard that the secret to beautiful skin is hydration. Yet you can’t hydrate your skin if there’s gunk on it when you moisturize it.
That means you need to gently rub in your cleansing products around your entire face, neck and decolletage over and over for this extended period of time.
One way I have minimalized my mature skincare routine is to stop cleansing in the morning. With research and trial and error, I find I only need to splash water over my face, apply my serum, and then CC cream. (I’ve been loving CC cream to minimalize the steps too. I make sure it has a tint, SPF, and moisturizer).
What is a CC cream? It stands for color correction. That means it’s tinted. I like these better than a foundation that settles into my lines and wrinkles most days.
I didn’t understand exfoliation for the longest time.
But there is dead skin on your face. It doesn’t come off with your cleansers. So in order to obtain hydration that gives you beautiful skin, the moisturizer needs to be able to go into your skin.
And it can’t do that with dead cells on it.
Exfoliation doesn’t take any longer than slapping a liquid on your face. It’s fast, easy and a step you shouldn’t be skipping.
Insider tip: Not all exfoliants are created equally. It’s best to find a gentle one that you can use daily. Or at least 5 times a week.
This is what I use to exfoliate on a daily basis
- Paula’s Choice 2% BHA liquid exfoliant
- Depology liquid toner and exfoliant in one
- Doll10 Retexturizing pads
Then about once a week, I will use a stronger exfoliant like a scrub or mask.
Moisturizing Secret
One sentence.
Let it soak in before applying another layer.
For example, you put on your serum (and yes, I believe that serum + moisturizer is helpful), and let it sit on your skin for a good minute or two before applying your moisturizer.
Insider tip: Do you feel like it’s a waste of time to wait? That was me! So I alternate skincare with toothcare. While I’m waiting for my skincare to absorb, I’m flossing. Or brushing. Or some other nightly routine thing.
Regimen with Technology Devices
There is an advantage to technology. And we might as well use it for our benefit.
Instead of surgery, Botox, or fillers, people are using at-home devices to keep their mature skin looking its best.
A couple of the options are
- Light therapy
- Microcurrent
- Radiofrequency
- Pulse Light

I have used a variety of at-home devices over the years including
- Foreo microcurrent
- Current Body eye mask
- Megelin light therapy face mask
- MBK Eye Rejuvenator
- Solawave Renewal wand
I’m not here to review all of them, but if you have questions, feel free to reach out.
In my quest to minimize the time spent on my mature skincare routine, right now I’m only using the full light therapy face mask.
I like how it covers my entire face and I can set it for different time intervals.
Insider tip: I have this work on my face while we are doing our nightly 20-minute neck stretch.
The $64,000 question is do they work? I believe so and so do the aestheticians that I questioned. Again, as Cindy Crawford said in the quote, I don’t want to look 25, I just want to look great.
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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.