Forever Fierce

I appreciate each and every share. Thank you!

Forever Fierce Graphic

Forever Fierce and What does it Mean to be Fierce at Midlife?

It was just one year ago, that Catherine along with myself and 50 other bloggers began a campaign called the Fierce 50. I introduced you to my Fierce partner, Cheryl. Since this time, I have been blessed to call Catherine a friend and Fierce sister, as I’ve traveled out to California to meet her and many of the other women of the group.

The thing about Catherine? She’s not trying to make a name for herself; she’s actually trying to change the world. What started out as a push to make retailers realize that being 50 does not mean you shouldn’t market clothing to us, has expanded to the fact that women in midlife have an important story. She wants women at any stage of their life to be empowered and feel great about themselves. The second campaign this fall was to have midlife bloggers pair up with millennial bloggers to help us realize that age is truly just a number. That’s when I introduced you to Roxanne.

And now, we would love to hear from every midlife woman. As the director of this Forever Fierce campaign, I am hoping you will share this question among your social media and use our hashtags #ForeverFierce  and #ForeverFierceDay. Join us in the Facebook group where we talk about issues, ask questions and share our experiences.

Forever Fierce

For this year’s Forever Fierce campaign, we have chosen 50 bloggers who embody the idea of our group, by supporting and helping one another. These bloggers are serving the community by having their post act as a platform to share other women’s voices. We truly believe it’s not just about us, but there are strength in numbers.

A blog is really a means of creative self-expression and each of us is excited to use this platform to share the powerful voices of these women. But let’s not stop here. Feel free to join in on this Forever Fierce Day. Each and every one of you reading this has a voice, and we would love to hear it. Ask your friends and family around you “what it means to be fierce at midlife?” Share their answers with the world by using the hashtags above.

Make sure to join the Revolution at  Forever Fierce on Facebook and get in on the fun!

So let me introduce you to some incredible and amazing women that I personally know, respect and love. I’ll also give you a brief overview of how I know these fabulous women that I call friends.


I met Laura on Instagram during one of our #thriftedchicstylechallenges on Instagram when she was offering one of her fabulous pieces of jewelry. After reading her bio, I realized she lived an hour north of us, and we ended meeting up for lunch one day!

Laura Forever Fierce

Laura, 51, Northern Colorado

Ahhhh…. Fierce in midlife? It means I (finally) won’t let anyone else’s expectations or limitations control what I do! I’m going to take that class, go on a solo vacation, learn a new skill, wear what I want, get to know people outside of my small circle,  and step out of my comfort zone. It means I live my life without regret because I finally understand that it is ALL mine, and time is in limited supply. I have the wisdom to use what a have to give, to encourage, to appreciate, and to stop the “coulda, shoulda, woulda” narrative.

You can find Laura at Modern Sage Designs on Instagram and her Etsy Store.


Karen is a long time reader of my blog who has become a friend also. She has shared her outfits with us on the blog a couple of times.  She was also kind enought to share tips of how she painted her cabinets in an email to me, because we are planning on doing that this summer.

Karen forever fierce

Karen, 64, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Defining fierce for me is more the “heartfelt intensity. ” It is intentionally living as myself without the constraints of conforming to someone else’s definition of “age-appropriate.” It’s the freedom to have fun, take on new challenges unencumbered, and to boldly step outside the lines at times, all while being true to who I am inside.


I met Stacy when she lived down the street from me over 15 years ago. We became fast friends along with Jessica. The 3 of us were single at the same time, and tried all kinds of dating avenues to find our mates. The funny thing is we were all successful about the same time. You can see Stacy in my wedding photo standing right behind me, as she was my maid of honor, and I was hers.

Stacy forever fierce

Anastasia, 60, Littleton, CO

Being Fierce in midlife has enable me to feel empowered over every aspect of my life.  Not only do I have the time to work out, which in turns makes me feel and look good, but I now can spend quality time with my family and pets.  I have battle scars but it was worth the journey.


Kay is one of my knitting buddies who comes over once a month to sit and knit. She has had an amazing life as a Playboy bunny and stewardess back in the day. I always tell her she looks like my idol, Helen Mirrin. And I love that she dresses so modern and spiffy every time I see her!

Kay Forever Fierce

Kay, 72, Littleton, CO

 I have the confidence to go where I want, wear what I feel comfortable in and sleep when I want to !! I enjoy my friends more because I know time is not certain and we must enjoy each day.  Dust can gather – get out and do something !!


Martha is one of my book club buddies. She’s an amazing artist and started her own jewelry designing business years ago. In fact, I’ve featured many of her pieces on the blog.

 Mauzie Forever Fierce

 Mauzie Mays, 50, Centennial, Co  You can find Martha on Facebook or her website

At 50 I grappled with the thought of entering my 2nd decade as a business owner, wondering if “I had it in me…”  The astounding answer was, “Hell yes!”   I feel confident & comfortable, while not “caring” as much.  It’s liberating!


When I was working as a dentist, Mary was one of the managers at the specialist to which we often referred patients. She’s one of those amazing women with a heart of gold, and the style to match.

Mary Forever Fierce

Mary, 62, Denver, CO

Being Fierce in midlife means owning myself and loving every minute of it. Greeting each new day with joy and thanks for my blessings and opportunities that lie ahead.


Blogging has certainly provided me with many online friends and Rebecca is one of them. She’s suggested a couple of books to my mother to read that are right up my mom’s alley with her creativeness in sewing and fashion.

Rebecca Forever Fierce

Rebecca, 60+, NYC

I feel that Fierceness means being able to move forward through life in a positive and affirming way despite mistakes. It is important to seek out new and fun experiences and above all fight against invisibility!


Many of you know, that I am a retired dentist, and that’s only because I sold my practice to this lovely woman. It was serendipitous at the time, because we were’t planning on selling it for a couple of years. But you know the saying….when opportunity knocks…

Forever Fierce Claire

Claire, 39, Littleton, CO

Being fierce at midlife means pushing through. It means not giving up, running 2 businesses on my own, raising 2 kids, healing from divorce and trying to find myself.  Fiercely being ok with who I am and what I want out of life.  Not waivering but learning to forgive myself at the same time.  Ultimately having the intense need to be a worthy example for my kids, not just in my successes but in the hard parts; the lessons learned from hurt and grief, and the grace to not know all the answers and above all, to show love to others as well as myself. The kind of love that is not earned but is full of compassion and faith.  Being fierce is really hard..but whoever said easy was better? That might be boring…. 😉


Lesley is another blog reader who has morphed into a wonderful friendship. The best part is she lives in Denver, so has attended a couple of our events here in the city.  Recently we met up for lunch and a shopping trip to our favorite local boutique, Trendz.

Forever Fierce Lesley

Lesley, 67, Denver, Colorado

When I was asked to give thoughts on Fierce Forever I had to look up FIERCE to see how it applied to my life and style.I found: “Having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.”  Well this is not me and never has been.  I was shy as a child, self conscious as a teen, and unsure as a young woman.  Slowly I grew into confidence and the awareness that I was unique and had much to offer.  I learned to stop second guessing myself, put myself out there and not care what others thought.  This is not to say I don’t have butterflies when I stand up before a group, or meet someone new.  I still fret over what to wear,or the “new’ hair color, but I know that I’m doing my best and no one is judging me more harshly as I do myself.

What Can You Do?

And now that we’ve started the conversation, we want to hear every woman’s voice. What does it mean to be fierce in midlife? 

Here are 7 ways that you can celebrate this day. The most important one? #7! Create a Forever Fierce Signature Cocktail/Mocktail and enter it to win a limited edition Forever Fierce t-shirt. Send your recipe along with a photo (or video) to Three winners will be selected 2/28/2018. I signed up to be on the tasting committee, so I’m excited to see what you can come up with!! Trust me, I’m entering at least one recipe!

Forever Fierce how to get involved

Visit The Forever Fierce Campaign 2018 on CatherineGraceO to read more about all the women featured in this year’s campaign.

Keeping in Touch

Are you registered for my email reminders to let you know when a post goes live? I’d certainly love it if you take the time to sign up and make sure all your friends sign up too!!

Do you ever wonder why you should connect with me on other social media sites? Well let me explain what I’ve been doing lately.

Sure you can find my posts on Facebook but I also love to share other people’s posts that I think you may like. Or my Pinterest page has all of our outfits in a nutshell along with fun inspiration from other women!

Right now, most of my time is spent on Instagram. Here’s where you’ll find many other of my outfits and plenty of musings about life and such. Sure, you may not feel like you want to add another social media site to your list. But I spend lots of time and effort to make sure there is something for everyone!

And if you’re new to the party, you can always see our outfits organized by categories, here. Don’t forget to check out the deals & discounts too, on this page.

Also, feel free to Shop My Instagram items.

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