Grandma Style Gone Bad: Easy Ways to Update Your Look
Grandma style gone bad. It sounds like a great name for a music band, right? But as I was sitting in church the other day, all I could see was a sea of white hair sitting on top of frumpy shirts. Remember, I live in a retirement community, so I see more than my fair share of older women nowadays.
Quote of the day: “People generally have more control over their actions than their feelings. But we can influence our feelings by taking action. Take one small step. Move the body first and the mind will follow.” James Clear
Now don’t get me wrong. Grandmas are wonderful human beings, and the term grandma style is in no way meant to be derogatory. In fact, if you google Grandma Style, you will find many photos of older, stylish women, and NONE of them are wearing what I would consider frumpy shirts.
In all honesty, though, style is one of the most subjective subjects out there. So take what I say with a grain of salt.
In fact, there’s been a trend showing grandma’s and their outfits on Instagram lately. Most are photos you might deem a little crazy or too creative. Yet, in one interview I read, she explained how the goal with her clothing was to be joyful. Hmmm, that sounds suspiciously like many of my posts!! Maybe I’m onto something?
Anyways, I think Carol Tuttle said it best by quoting that “Grandma is a role, not a style.” My time in church reminded me of the suggestion from years ago when a reader remarked that she loved buying floral shirts but didn’t want to appear mumsy.
At first, I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant until I looked into my mom’s closet and found the yellow flower shirt that was part of the original series.
The Original Frumpy Floral Series (which I still love to look back on and think it’s incredibly relevant even now)
1-Frumpy Florals 1 (With Modern Jeans)
2-Frumpy Florals 2: (Layered)
3-Frumpy Florals 3 (With Modern Accessories)
The Mumsy Shirt
What exactly is a mumsy shirt?? Truthfully it can be hard to say, but first I’d ask yourself if it’s something you, as a stylish 20 something year old would wear? Yet it may not be the print per se, but it can also be the material or the shapelessness of it.
In fact, I know many times we ask ourselves if a piece is too young for us. How about asking if the item is TOO OLD for us instead?
BTW, if your top is shapeless, I did an experiment with 10 no sew ways to fix that.
In all reality, it’s never just ONE item that makes an outfit seem less than stylish or modern. In fact, I have a list of details to consider below.
While going out and buying new things all the time is the last thing I want you to do, it is good to update with some of the more modern items occasionally.
How do you know what is modern? Take a gander at what the young girls are wearing. See what the stores are selling. And maybe look at all of the older women around you and if they are all wearing the same thing, maybe you shouldn’t!! Only because at this stage of the game, I don’t want you to be invisible. Looking like everyone else makes you blend in.
For instance, right now some of the modern prints are tie-dye, camo (whether you like it or not, it IS modern), and leopard.
BUT remember sometimes the elements of the top itself can make it seem more contemporary. Like ruffles on the sleeves or a hoodie feature. If it seems “young” that could be a good thing! (Not that being older is bad, I just want you to look as cool as I know you can be).
Remember, secondhand could be the way to find new styles, or taking what you already have and upstyling it is another option.
The Details that Make Grandma Style a Thing of the Past
1-Hairstyle. Hair trends may come and go just like fashion, but there’s a reason for that. Sticking with the same look from 20 years ago can date you.
2-Matching. I know, I know, everyone likes to match to their shirt. Yet that can add to the overall grandma style. Why wouldn’t you add in a totally different color?
For example with the three tops above. #1-Wouldn’t red jeans look hip? #2-Even black jeans would make this shirt pop more #3-A yellow skirt would be such a summery look with this. OR heck, go for the gusto and print mix.
3-Accessories. If you add in a super fun necklace (not just a gold, delicate one that gets lost in the print), this will give the eyes something else for their focus.
4-Footwear. Let’s not forget that shoe choice can be a huge factor in your looks. I realize we all have foot issues by this stage of the game, but there are brands that incorporate style with comfort. And I’ve shared them many times here on the blog.
5-Glasses. If you need to wear eyeglasses, make sure they count. This is such an easy way to add color or fun to your face. Besides, the online options are so budget-friendly nowadays, so there is no reason not to try them.
Need help with online glasses?
How to Pick the Right Glasses Frame for Your Face and Tips for Online Glasses

In Conclusion
I am not here to make fun of anyone, and if you have any of these shirts, that’s not a bad thing. My whole idea on this blog is to make us look as good on the outside as we are on the inside. My belief is that EACH of us is wonderful with so much to share with others. Your size, shape, or age DO NOT make a difference. Or as my tagline reads, “It’s never too late to look great.”
So I hope you take these musings only as my way of always “fixing” things. Not that we need to be fixed, but sometimes a tweak here or there can change the look so much.
When it comes right down to it, your insides are WAY more important than your outsides. So feel good, have fun AND enjoy life!! Don’t make getting dresses a stressful event in your day.
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