Our Ageless Style group of women is here to talk about Back to School. And since we are older women, I thought it would be fun to explore options of what moms or grandmas might be wearing to a football game in the hot weather.
Because here in Arizona, the cooling down of temperatures means that it is finally under 100 degrees.
Quote of the day: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
This quote reminds me of back to school. At least for me, my back-to-school time was all about blending in. The idea is that you needed to look like everyone else and have the same things. Gosh, what angst that concept can bring.
Which is one reason why I love being older and wiser. I feel like it’s way more fun to take a trend yet make it more unique. Or be modern in my style but have it fit my personality.
As school gets back in swing, that means all of the school events are starting up too. I always remember that high school and college football games were popular social activities. So the three of us came up with a helpful style guide of what to consider when putting together an outfit for a football game in hot weather.

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Lesley-Shorts for a Football Game in Hot Weather

Lesley will admit that she’s not a football fan. Yet when you are a grandmother, you realize it’s not about what you prefer. She dressed in fall colors for the option of her football game attire, but she acknowledged that the best look would incorporate the colors of the team.
Heck, this is a great time to wear the team’s graphic t-shirt and still look stylish.
One huge aspect to consider is that the temperature might cool down quite a bit between the start and end of the game.
That’s why Lesley wanted to show a quick style hack with her long vest.
Insider tip: Remember any button-up shirt can be worn open over another top.
All she did was pull up both ends of the vest behind her and wrap them around her shoulders and arms to be more covered if there is a chill in the air.
Insider tip: Bleachers don’t tend to be comfy for bony butts, so bring a blanket to sit on which can also double as a cover for the chill.

Just because it’s a casual event, doesn’t mean you can’t add some jewelry or accessories. Lesley added a long necklace to give the white tee a more intentional look.
Even the shoes add an air of upgraded style. Her loafers are extremely comfy since they are the Walking Cradles brand.
Insider tip: When attending a professional football game in hot weather, make sure to check the team’s regulations on the size of your purse. The stadiums should have them posted on their site, and some require clear purses while others have a size limit.

Charlotte in Capris for Football Games in Hot Weather

Charlotte had many of the same ideas as Lesley thinking about an outfit for a football game in hot weather. My mom isn’t a grandmother, so she hasn’t had to worry about this event often since football isn’t on her radar.
Yet until you attend these games, you aren’t always sure about what is involved.
Instead of shorts, my mom put on a pair of capri pants. This could be a smart option in case the football game is during the day, and the bleachers are hot from the sun.
Related post: Charlotte wearing capris with a summer vibe.
Insider tips: If you are a regular at these events, then you might realize how fabulous stadium seat pads can help with many issues. There are ones that are a pad for your behind (on Amazon) or ones that actually provide a backrest too.

My mom also decided on a baseball cap to keep the sun out of her eye and not have to worry about her hair if it’s windy outside.
Of course, you need something to hold your keys and any other essentials but you don’t want to be lugging around a purse that could get kicked over or forgotten. So my mom chose a crossbody purse that she won’t have to worry about.

Jodie-Hot Weather & Football Game
Here’s me asking where is the football field. LOL! We did drive to a park where there was supposed to be one, but we decided that the pond area was nicer.

My style idea for what to wear to a football game in hot weather was to grab my thinnest jeans. I wasn’t concerned about the decor on the front, but the fact that these are super thin and would work for hot temperatures.
Yet I liked the idea of having my legs covered in case we were in the sun or if we were outside when the sun went down and was cooler. Either way, I felt prepared.
Insider tip: When shopping online, how can you tell how thick your jeans are?? Most of the time you can’t. But make sure to read the reviews because sometimes what others say about the product will help.
My biggest tip for shopping online is to know the return policy of the store before you become enamored with the goods. For most things, you just don’t know until they are in your hot little hands.
I still love the sweater vests that are available everywhere. Since they are available in shorter or longer styles, I feel there is something for everyone!!

I had the same thoughts about my purse, which is why I grabbed my belt bag. BUT, have you seen how all the young girls are carrying them now?? They use it as a crossbody bag. I like the idea that you can wear it both ways.
My straw hat was there in case the sun was a factor and I opted for sneakers. These Converse sneakers in lime green just tickle my fancy, but what they don’t tickle is my arches. In order to have some arch support, I add in my Soul Insoles (found on Amazon) so I can walk around comfortably.

Ageless Style
These are the women who are joining the idea of back-to-school looks on their blogs. They may not be discussing looks for a football game in hot weather, but there are many aspects of this time of the year that will be covered.
And we don’t all post at the same time, so make sure to check back if their post isn’t up yet.

Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog
Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’
Cathy ~ My Side of 50
Blog / Instagram/ Pinterest / Facebook
Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style
Blog | Instagram | Facebook |
Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle
Blog /Instagram
Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.
It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.
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