How to Accessorize a Blue Dress Comparing Purchases by Amazon vs Other Stores
My mom is all about how to accessorize a blue dress. To her, that’s the fun and easy part of styling an outfit. But she wasn’t so excited about the project I gave to us all.
What project, you ask? It’s an Amazon vs. Other Online Stores project to compare and contrast the buying process. Therefore I asked the three of us to order some clothing from the site. Yet to make this more than just a “here’s what we ordered” kind of post, I added in some other qualifications.
I had us compare the same kind of piece by ordering 2 like items through Amazon. I wanted one of the pieces to be higher priced and one to be lower priced. AND THEN, I wanted us to each order the same kind of piece from another online site.
What would this tell us? Well it might give you some insight into the true quality of Amazon and their deals especially compared with other sites. And this is coming from older women who may have more experience with clothing items.
Why wasn’t my mom excited about this since it’s basically shopping? Trust me, she loves shopping. I’ll give you the 411 below. And don’t forget to check out the black jumpsuit that Lesley found comparing Amazon to Macy’s. Or how I realized that Amazon isn’t always the cheapest for the exact same item. After the entire process I put together some tips about buying clothes on Amazon.
Other Dresses that Didn’t Make the Cut

My mom decided that for our project, she would concentrate on a blue dress. When she searched on Amazon, these are the popular dresses that came up in her search. It’s true that looking at them in these photos, they basically look the same. Yet they were two different companies because one was about $23 and the other about $30.
I found the link to the second dress pictured but for some reason can’t find the first one.
While both of these were modest enough for my mom, the material was a tad thin for her liking. And she would have needed to shorten the sleeves (which she can do, but she’s always happier when she doesn’t need to).
On top of that, while she likes ruffles, she felt these were “too much” or “too young”. More about that below.
Related posts: Amazon shopping with Amoretu
Charlotte and How to Accessorize a Blue Dress

Dress: The Vanity Room~~ Jacket: National c/o ~~ Shoes: Ellen Tracy ~~ Necklace: ~~ Belt: ~~ Earrings: ~~ Purse: Express-thrifted

So this above dress was the winner for our project. We found it on Nordstrom Rack’s site for under $30. Not only does it fit perfectly, the material is such that it’s not as tight and unforgiving to lumps and bumps. We also decided that maybe the short sleeves were better suited for Arizona. Sure she can layer over it, but many days she doesn’t need to.
Speaking of layering over the dress. Charlotte wore her pink, knit ruffle jacket that she picked out from National. This jacket has truly been wonderful for this warmer weather because it’s not as heavy as denim, along with the fact that it has a ruffle detail. Which you realize almost matches the ruffle at the hem of the dress!! Leave it to my mom!
Wearing Pink Accessories with a Blue Dress

While you wouldn’t have to wear a belt with this dress, it certainly is a nice touch. Just like how Lesley wore a belt with her jumpsuit.
Besides this belt is a perfect match with this statement necklace. For those of you who question whether you can wear a statement necklace, I will say YES for a couple of reasons. One, it’s a fabulous way to bring the focal point to your face. And two, it gives an added interest to a solid colored top.

The Classic Style of Matching Your Shoes

My mom definitely still loves that classic style where your shoes match the dress. Although I have twisted her arm many times to wear other colors of footwear with her outfits. For example the time it was sweater weather or when she wore her white boots.
And in all honesty, she did not wear these heels for this day of shopping. She wore some flats and carried these heels for the photos. It got us reminiscing about shoe totes especially for work days. Of course, I was wondering why you wouldn’t just use a regular tote bag you already have. But Lesley and mom clued me in that it’s nice to keep the dirty soles away from everything else.

Why Charlotte Chose a Blue Dress
Even though society has gotten more casual, my mom still enjoys dressing up and looking nice. And shockingly, she didn’t have a solid colored blue dress in her closet. Since blue is basically her favorite color, she figures she will get a lot of wear from this dress.
Of course if you ask me, I think she shouldn’t just save this dress for the “good” occasions. Because it would look great with flat brown boots and a sweater for a casual, winter day too.

Amazon vs Other Online Store
At the end of the day, my mom wasn’t impressed with the Amazon dresses. Part of that could be my fault for finding two dresses that were so alike. (Yes, I helped her search and order the dresses online, but she vetoed many of my suggestions). Possibly if we would have ordered a dress that was a little more high end with a different silhouette, she might have liked it better.
While the material was part of what she didn’t love, it was also the ruffles. She thought they were too young/much for her. You know how I feel about saying something is too young for you, but that’s how she felt.
My mom still isn’t the hugest fan of online shopping….yet. Which surprises me because she always enjoyed catalog shopping. I feel like catalog shopping was the precursor to online shopping. Of course they both have pros and cons. If you struggle with online shopping, I put together a three page, step by step list of how to make it work for you. It’s included in the welcome emails you get when you sign up to be on my email list.
Photo credit: Rob Filogomo
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