Innovative Color Recipe: What to Pair with Anything in Your Closet
My idea behind a color recipe came from the question when women ask, “what would I wear with that.” While the color isn’t the only element to take into account for an outfit, it’s one aspect that can’t easily be changed. So I wanted to start with ideas of different colors you can pair with ANYTHING!!
Quote of the day: “Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
I may be using this quote often, because I know some of you are intimidated by my color combinations or some of the styles we share. Yet once we stretch our mind to incorporate new things, it is hard to go back. And I hope you not only try my color recipe, but share it with your friends!!
The big question is why should you even experiment with other colors? My usual answer is because it’s fun, but the practical answer is it makes your closet bigger and more versatile. Just like I talked about in my shop your closet series.
Related post: What to wear with blue pants
Breaking Down My Color Recipe
I’m trying something a little different to showcase the different colors with this lemon print skirt. Many times, I feel like we can get distracted by all the other elements in an outfit. I realize that I add many different colors to a look and even include extra accessories.
SO I wanted to show the color by themselves. Don’t worry, I shared some of the outfits below also!
The ingredients in my color recipe are this: (I started with the two easiest ways)
1-Neutral color found in the print
2-Color that is found in the print
3-Neutral color that isn’t in the print
4-Color that isn’t in the print
5-Print Mixing (don’t roll your eyes, you can do it!!!)
Now this should work with any item in your closet. In fact, I showcased a solid item in one of my lessons before. Please don’t just concentrate on the fact I chose a lemon print skirt for this example.

Neutral in the Print
The easiest and most comfortable idea is to pair one of the neutrals that is found in the print as the second piece. For my example, I chose a white top.

Color in the Print
This is another familiar way we already pair our clothing. Repeat a color that is already in the print itself. However, notice that my color green is not the exact color as the greens in the skirt. The best way to think about this is your pairing doesn’t have to match exactly, but just has to go!
If you’re unsure, I have two tricks.
1-Try it on and take a selfie. We “see” things differently in a photo than in a mirror.
2-Think about the colors. Olive green goes nicely with yellow, so why wouldn’t it work?

Neutral Not in the Print
For those of you that prefer neutrals, then this one is for you. The definition of a neutral is one without color so should be able to go with anything. Of course there are many varieties of even the neutrals as they can be bright, light, warm or cool.
For my example above, I chose a grey tee. In fact, I turned the t-shirt around so you wouldn’t be distracted by the wording on it that you can see below.

Color Not in the Print
I’m sure that this part of the color recipe is one that will take some practice for many of you. Finding a totally different color for the outfit is such a modern trick. Admittedly, I could have chosen many more colored tops for this skirt, but I limited it to the two above.
Insider tip: Since the yellow in the skirt is bright, it can seem more harmonious to pair other bright colors with it instead of a pastel. HOWEVER, don’t make that a rule. Try them all!!

Mixing Prints
Here’s another part of the recipe that you might not think is possible. Mixing two prints together is a wonderful way to make your closet seem bigger and stretch your style. As you can see, I chose 2 different prints that both had yellow in them. This is one of the ways to make the recipe seem more balanced.
Insider tip: I’ve posted about beginning tips to print mix that make it easier.
FUN FACT!! The yellow striped “top” is actually a dress. You can see the dress in this post. And I’ve talked in detail about layering a skirt over a dress in the past. Don’t knock it until you try it!!
Examples of my Color Recipe
I didn’t wear all of the ingredients for my color recipe but I did want to show you the end result for a couple of them. Do you have a favorite??
You can see how I’ve used the color recipe with a base layer and different jackets in this post.
Hopefully this inspires you to try all different color combinations with the pieces in your closet. If you have too much of the same color in your wardrobe, then my answer is to start bringing in totally different colors. Next time you’re shopping and you pick up a black pair of pants, ask yourself how many other black pants do you have. AND I don’t care if this pair is just a little different. Trust me….no one else will notice those differences. Buy the pink pants instead!!
I realize you don’t want to waste your money on things you won’t wear. That’s why I love secondhand shopping. The risk is much less since you aren’t spending an arm and a leg.
If you don’t have great thrift stores near you, then check out my favorite online ones:
thredUp—this link gives you $10 (and me in return).
Poshmark — here is the post about how to shop the site.
Uncommon Closet— non profit to help women
Gild the Lily–local Michigan store that sells online

My Goal
Thank you for visiting my space on the internet. I like to showcase how it’s never too late to look great for women of any age, size or working with any budget.
I feel I’m here to help move beyond the fashion rules of yesterday and evolve. Style and clothes are made to give you joy. Not cause us stress because we are worried about what other’s think.
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