It’s no secret that I like my glasses to go with my outfit. In the past, I’ve shared that I store my glasses in a clear utensil tray (shaped like this and found at Amazon or Target).
Having multiple pairs of eyeglasses is no different than having a variety of earrings. This is Especially after discovering how online glasses can be so budget-oriented.
Quote of the day: “When one worldview dominates your thinking, you’ll try to explain every problem you face through that worldview. Read widely and realize there are many answers.” James Clear
It’s only been since I retired that I took advantage of purchasing my prescription glasses from online companies. I have used over 8 different companies over the years and I find that they are all very similar.
They all have the option for a virtual try-on by now using your computer’s camera and superimposing the glasses frames on the photo of your face.
As my prescription has changed my lenses are now progressive plus, I like to order transitional lenses for sun protection.
I do consider myself a semi-pro in this category, and I have written other articles about this subject.
- Options for buying online glasses
- How to pick the right glasses frames
- Step by step tutorial for purchasing online glasses
What’s All the Fuss About Pair Eyewear?
Fast forward to a year ago when a media marketer from Pair Eyewear reached out to me to chat about being an affiliate for the company.
As soon as I saw one of their videos (like this), I was enthralled.
The idea of having a base frame and then being able to add a topper to it using magnets was brilliant. It was like having a dozen pairs of glasses but less expensive since the toppers ran about $20-$30.
Insider detail: In all reality, I had experienced this concept with glasses that had a magnetized sunglasses topper over 12 years ago, but I wasn’t a fan because I still had to find a place to store the sunglasses toppers when I took them off.
The story ended here for a while because the marketing person canceled our chat and said the company was changing its affiliate model.
I decided to wait to find out what all the fuss was about Pair Eyewear until I had my eyes checked and received an updated prescription.

My Pair Eyewear
So this year armed with my new eyeglass prescription, I went to the Pair Eyewear site to see what the fuss about Pair Eyewear was all about.
Insider tip: My friend, Kym, had a discount code for me, and I’ll share mine here with you. The only frustrating thing is that the site oftentimes offers you a bigger discount which negates the link and reward.
With my link you’ll receive $25 off your first order of $60 or more (after discounts)! Once redeemed, I’d get $25 in points.
I decided on the Wanda frames and chose mine in the pink-clear color. Because the frames and progressive lenses were more than I was accustomed to paying, I decided not to purchase the transitional portion of the prescription. Instead, I included the sunglasses topper.
Then I went searching for toppers. I chose 3 different open toppers and 1 sunglasses topper.

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The Insider Tips
Pair Eyewear has a Facebook group you can join even if you haven’t purchased from the brand. It’s a wonderful way to get the insider scoop on the fuss about Pair Eyewear.
You can also see many ways how people organize all of their toppers (toppers are magnetic so they are easy to store on something metal).

Originally I tried putting my toppers on an extra metal vent we had, but then I saw someone post about using a necklace holder like this.
I searched at the thrift stores but wasn’t successful. Finally, I ordered this one pictured above from Amazon. The one I’m showing isn’t available, but there are many similar ones.
Many people post photos of themselves wearing a specific topper. It’s a great way to see how it will look in real life before buying it.
Insider tip: There are many resale Facebook groups where you can get toppers for better deals than on the Pair Eyewear site. This is one but there are many others too. Search in FB “pair eyewear toppers for sale.”
There is also an online site dedicated to making Pair toppers. I don’t know all of the specifics behind this company but many say it is located in China. One of the buy/sell/trade FB groups I’m part of is where I learned about this company from multiple people who have purchased from the company.
I ordered 2 pairs of toppers from them and was happy with my purchases although I had to reshape the toppers.
Insider detail: Many people who switch the shape of the base glasses will sell their old toppers for a reduced rate. Since the topper is just the outside portion of the glasses, it’s a wonderful way to get a deal on new toppers. It’s almost like thrifting.

Sometimes Toppers Don’t Fit Perfectly
At least once a week, there is a post in one of the Pair FB groups about how a pair of toppers don’t fit perfectly.
This happened to me with one of my toppers purchased from Pair Eyewear. 3 out of the 4 that I originally ordered fit snugly against the frame. But one stuck out where it wasn’t magnetized.
Pair Eyewear sent me a replacement topper but it again fit the same wonky way.
What you learn is that this can be a common occurrence. Sometimes it is even the frames that are misshapen.
I have had to shape many of my toppers since the first time and it’s no biggie.
Personally, I like putting them in really hot water, then placing them on the frames and clamping them in place overnight.
Insider tip: Some toppers that are purchased from FB groups are made with a 3D printer. A set that I purchased was made from a thinner material. I liked those better than thicker original toppers because they are easier to shape and lighter weight on my frames.
Here is another private maker of toppers that are less expensive than the Pair Eyewear website. I have not tried hers yet but she says they are a thin, flexible resin topper.
Charms As Accessories
My friend, Kym, also told me there are charms you can add to the magnet part to add extra bling to your glasses.

I purchased mine from this woman on Facebook.
Insider tip: While they magnetize easily, toppers and charms can fly off with a sideways push (like hugging someone) or even with a strong wind (I’ve been told). Because of this, you can use Glue Dots to secure them.

Other Considerations with the Fuss About Pair Eyewear
There are many things I have learned after buying my Pair Eyewear. Some of these factors aren’t good or bad, but things to consider.
- If you plan on wearing toppers over the base frames, it’s better to get a lighter option for the base. I’ve heard people complain that otherwise, you can see the base color through some of the translucent toppers.
- The side temple bar of the glasses isn’t covered by the toppers.
- Glue dots are considered insurance against toppers popping off. This happens easily with a side swipe to your glasses like hugging someone, trying on clothes, or very windy days.
I use glue dots occasionally and place them over the magnet areas to keep my toppers in place. I’ve done the same thing with my charms. - My glasses tend to slip down in the heat. Some people have commented in the FB groups that they’ve had their glasses adjusted to their face by their eye doctor.
- If I had to order a new base frame, I would include a transitional lens in them even though it’s pricey. I don’t like carrying around the sunglasses topper.
- I’ve heard the magnets can lose their effectiveness over time. If that happens, it’s been recommended to rub a strong magnet over them to re-establish them.
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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.