Lace Up Shoes 2 (Casual)

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Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

Lace Up Shoes for the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s: The Casual Version

The lace up shoe design has taken over the blogging world in my opinion. The lace up design comes in all versions including sweaters and shirts and, of course, these shoes.

I bought my pair of lace up shoes last fall from an online store. They even got worn through the winter with tights underneath. Then I saw that Groupdealz was having a fantastic sale on these shoes about 2 months ago, so I grabbed a couple of pairs for my models! Since my models don’t get paid, I figured that I needed to have some incentive to keep them smiling!!

Quote of the day: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin

Today we are styling our similar shoes in a casual outfit. I’d consider this the most popular way to wear these flats. They look great with jeans and especially shorter jeans so you can see all the laces! But I also showed them on mom & Nancy with normal length jeans, so you can see how that variety looks as well.

I started the series by seeing if you could wear them to work, here.

Jodie’s (50’s) Outfit: Seeing that my lace up shoes are red, I wanted them to be a contrasting item in this outfit. I have some little bits of red here and there, but it’s not what I would consider too matching!

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

Since I was wearing my choker necklace, I thought I’d keep the earrings small with my versatile Stella & Dot earrings. (I’m only touting these earrings because I just think they are so nice that you can wear them four ways).

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

Here are the jeans that Jude embellished for me again. (And here’s the DIY post, if you are interested in making your own). You can see how I shortened them the easy way. I just cut off the hem and added some fringe with my scissors!!

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

When I bought this blouse over 5 years ago, I loved it for the flowers decorating it. However, I didn’t wear it much at work, because the decorative part was always hidden under my blazers. Now that I don’t have a “uniform”, I get to wear it more!!

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

Jeans: DIY embroidered by Jude (similar here with lace up at the bottom)~~Jacket: Maurices (similar here)~~Top: Chicos (similar here the floral being more conspicuous)~~Shoes: MissGuided (similar here)~~Necklace: (similar here)~~Earrings: Stella & Dot (here)

Nancy’s (60’s) Outfit: For Nancy’s casual outfit, I had her put on her blue jeans! I figured, many women would love the idea that this pair of shoes coordinates with her jeans!

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

I had Nancy put on one of her brooches on the sweater. Since I published an article on Sixty + Me regarding brooches (you can check it out, here), I’ve been more conscious of trying to wear them on everything and anything.

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

I knitted this sweater for Nancy, and I have one just like it. I don’t normally knit two of the same items, but I had enough yarn and loved it quite dearly. If you are a knitter, the pattern is from the Noro Catwalks book.

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.
Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

Jeans: Levis (similar here)~~Cardigan: I knitted it (similar here similar colors but not a cardigan)~~Top: Talbots (similar here)~~Shoes: SouldOut through Groupdealz (similar here)~~Brooch: (similar here in a dolphin shape)~~Earrings: (similar here)~~Bracelet: (similar here)

Charlotte’s (70’s) Outfit: For mom’s casual day with her lace up shoes, I had her put on her mint jeans and owl sweatshirt. I know when you think jeans & a sweatshirt, you think sloppy, but hopefully mom is showing a non-sloppy example!

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

Since there is an owl on the sweatshirt, we kept the accessories coordinating with the owl theme.

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

This owl ring was a fantastic gift from my reader, Jude! Jude has been a contributor in this blog too, with her idea of painting your own sneakers, check out that post here. And another DIY about embellishing your own jeans, see that post here. She’s even submitted a photo of herself with the theme of the day a couple of times as a blogette!

Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.
Stylish Footwear for Mature Women.

Jeans: Fabrizio Gianni (similar here)~~Sweatshirt: Olsenboye (similar here a very abstract version)~~Top: Jones New York (similar here somewhat darker but a good deal)~~Shoes: Sould Out through Groupdealz (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)~~Ring: (similar here)

I am extremely grateful for all of your support and comments. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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