Layering Coats with our Short Coats
Quote of the day: “To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
I figured this quote would be so perfect for this theme. Because many of you may think the idea of layering coats is truly crazy. Yet, I can’t tell you how eye opening the whole idea has been ever since we layered a vest over a jacket. To think that the jacket could be under something else was really an “aha” moment.
Even if you live in the warmer climates, it could be a good way to layer you’re really lightweight items for when the temperature do dip. We started with the idea of layering our longer coats, and now we will try the same concept with shorter ones.
This concept works wonderfully with denim jackets as I’ve shown here.
Jodie’s (50+) Outfit: I wanted to tackle the issue of layering coats with this grey jacket, that I rarely wear in the winter because it’s not heavy enough.
And actually I was pleasantly surprised to find a couple of different jackets that would work under this grey one. This grey leather jacket is one that I splurged on many years ago. And I really love it except that it’s not very warm. So I don’t end up wearing it that much. But to be able to combine it with another jacket made me happier than happy.
I’ve worn this white blazer before for a monochromatic look last year, but I don’t think of wearing it that much in the winter because it’s 3/4 sleeves. Therefore, I thought this was the perfect merger.

The choker necklaces are still some of my favorites. Because with a thicker one like this pearl one, you don’t even see the wrinkles on my neck. We could call it camouflaging with pearls, LOL! The necklace was found at the consignment store we visited in Frisco recently called the Funky Trunk.

Silver booties may not be on your wishlist, but I can’t tell you how versatile these babies have been for me.
Maybe because I do still like wearing lighter colors in the winter, along with my white jeans. If you still wear white jeans in the winter then silver booties, white booties or even light grey ones would all be perfect with them.

Another combination that I really liked as I was experimenting in my closet is the grey leather over this red jacket. The red hangs out slightly like this white one does, and makes it look like the grey is trimmed in red. I even found an olive green jacket that worked marvelously under this grey coat. I was really surprised at how the olive green and grey look alike, and you almost can’t tell that they are two different coats.
And then I had to add in a pop of bright color with this new purse that Nancy gave me for my birthday. The purse is handmade by one of her good friends, Sheree, and the beads on it are even hand painted.

Outer Coat: (similar here)~~Inner Coat: Boo Hoo (similar here)~~Dress: thrifted (similar here)~~Boots: (similar here)~~Necklace: thrifted (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)~~Purse: Freshly Funky (similar here)
Nancy’s (60+) Outfit: Nancy used her jean jacket for this idea of layering coats.
We showcased our denim jackets last spring on the blog. It’s one of those items that is so versatile; however, I don’t think to wear it much in the winter. So layering another coat under it could be an interesting way to get more wear out of it.

Since Nancy wore her burgundy boots, she also decided to accessorize with burgundy jewelry. It’s only been lately that Nancy’s even tried wearing bigger earrings like these. She used to only wear smaller ones because of her shorter hair. Yet, I really think the bigger earrings are a great way to add some color and interest around your face.
For those of you who are the same way, I found some smaller earrings that are also in style. You could always try colorful stud earrings, clustered of beads earrings, or even short tassels ones.

The tall boots are really a great investment for women in the colder regions.
Nancy has had this pair of boots for over 5 years, and they are a wonderful variety to her black and brown pair. It’s been amazing to me how burgundy is such a great color for boots. It can add a little interest to the darker outfits yet, it’s not so light that it gets dirty easily. I love how there are wide calf varieties and even extra wide in many boots.

The coat that Nancy layered under her denim jacket is her utility coat. I talked about how these have become very popular in the fall fashion post. Since they aren’t super heavy, then layering it either over or under another coat could be smart. And I’m sure you’ll be seeing these coats come spring fashion too.

Outer Coat: (similar here)~~Inner Coat: H&M (similar here)~~Pants: Cold Water Creek (similar here)~~Boots: (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)~~Purse: (similar here)
Charlotte’s (70+) Outfit: If you have a cape in your closet, then this concept could be great for it too.
Since most capes aren’t incredibly warm since they are more open, then by layering coats under it, the cape gets more wear. My mom received this cape when we posted about coats that aren’t so expensive. Since capes aren’t your normal winter outerwear, they can also be a great deal right now. This plaid one is certainly a great deal along with this black one.

Another way to make the cape warmer is to add in a fur scarf. All 3 of us have one of these items now, and I think they are better than sliced bread. I even wear mine when I’m inside with a cardigan. They have short ones, medium length ones, long ones, and even infinity style ones. This is one item that I even think to take with me anytime we are travelling in the winter. I feel like it can be used to dress up an outfit, along with keeping me warm.

Let’s talk about purses for a minute.
I know many seasons there is a hoopla about the “it purse”, but I’ve always been late to that party. I know it’s only been recently that I even have starting switching out my purses to go with my outfits. My mom, however, has a purse in every size, color and shape. And she mainly chooses the same color purse to what she’s wearing.
If you are like that too, then you probably enjoy the basic purses in black, grey or brown. I’m one of those people that describes everything as having a good and bad part to it. The best thing about changing purses, is I will find many a lost item that way. It’s amazing how many Lara Bars and sunglasses I’ve found in the bottom of my purse! Luckily I also have only 3 little bags that I have to change from one purse to another. It definitely makes it easier that way.

My mom’s coat under her cape is a dark purple, wool one. If you have a solid colored coat that needs a little pizzazz, then adding a cape over top of it may work for you.
Another idea that I tried lately, is to wear a wrap over a coat. Since the wrap doesn’t have sleeves, I think next time I would safety pin it in a couple of spots, but I really loved how this changed the entire look of my camel coat.

Outer Cape: Dressylily c/o (here)~~Inner Coat: (similar here)~~Skirt: (similar here)~~Boots: (similar here)~~Scarf: (similar here)~~Purse: (similar here)

I really hope this inspires you to spend some time in your closet and see what kind of combinations you can create by layering your coats. I know I have quite a few new ways to wear mine.
Thanks to one and all of you for your support. It means more than you know!
The Facts
Even if you wouldn’t consider purchasing your clothing online, it can be helpful to look through my links to see what is available! It certainly doesn’t hurt my feelings, if you click on them but don’t like them. Just so you know, one of the ways I make money from this blog is through these linked items.
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