March 2022 Life Updates

I appreciate each and every share. Thank you!

I found it so fun to hear some of the updates you shared with me in the last episode of my life updates. Hopefully, you’ll continue sharing with me.
Join me as I try to keep it short yet share some of the fun of our March month!!

Facts: Some of these links are affiliate links. Meaning, if you click a link and make a purchase, Jodie’s Touch of Style gets a small commission at no extra cost to you. I do appreciate you supporting the brands that make this blog possible! I am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


It’s no secret that shopping is one of my favorite pastimes, so that’s why I had to include this category.
I finally got around to getting a new desk chair (on Amazon here but it’s unavailable now, here is a similar one) and the best part is how it’s leather so anything the cats leave on it, washes off easily. It was also VERY easy to put together.

Then this cactus purse which my husband calls a monstrosity. Usually, I respect his opinion on my style choices, but for some reason, this just tickles my fancy. Considering it was only $40, I had to buy it and I was surprised when I got home, there was a tag on it stating it was $240. So it was secondhand. I didn’t even realize that.

I also bought my Easter dress from a small online boutique called Gigi’s Boutique (seen on Wednesdays daily look). I knew I’d have to alter it, and thanks to my mom for shortening it 10 inches!!!


I don’t have any discount codes or get any commissions from the 2 things below, but I wanted to share because I really love them. It’s amazing because I would never have found these except by being an influencer.

I recently discovered this eye serum that I absolutely love!! It’s not inexpensive but it’s totally all-natural oils and no chemicals. And since you only use one drop around your eyes nightly, I expect it to last a LONG time. It’s from Oil Divine.

The other thing we have found is collagen called Omono from Japan. Again, it’s not inexpensive, and we’ve tried at least 5-6 other ones in the past. I was telling my email subscribers that it’s not always easy to tell if it’s working. But when I stop taking something, sometimes I can tell that way. And that’s how it was with the Omono collagen.
Rob also liked it because it dissolved SUPER easy in our coffee.

3-Health & Diet

One of the best things about March was being able to see Nancy on a short trip out to Denver (if you are new to the blog, Nancy is one of the original models. Since she stayed in Denver when we moved to Arizona, Lesley has taken over her job). We introduced her to Necker which is our favorite healthy treat nowadays. We usually get the acai bowls which Rob considers his ice cream.
I know there are Necker’s in many states so if you haven’t tried them yet, you’re missing out!

Insider funny: Rob loves ice cream SO much. In fact, for his 50th birthday, he got 50 days of ice cream.

We’ve also been juicing the oranges from our trees. Talk about amazing tasting OJ. In all reality, I was never a big orange lover either the fresh ones or juice. But picking them off our trees, makes them 10X better. And they are better because they are fresh and totally organic.

I also added a couple of new sports bras and leggings due to a fabulous $10 sale on the site, Perfect Sculpt. I do get a small commission for this site, but I only signed up because I thought you guys would benefit. The quality is impressive. Heck, the bras are front zippered AND have the fabric covering over the bottom and top of the zipper so it doesn’t rub on your skin. And the leggings are compression ones. It’s such a great deal if you are looking for these items.


This is the PERFECT time to be in Arizona, so we’ve been trying to take advantage of the wonderful weather and go on the outside tours as much as possible.

The top left photo is from Cosanti, which is an interesting concept for living. Right now their biggest production is windchimes and bells which we were able to see being poured into molds.
On the top right is from Wonderspaces. My friend Cathie got tickets sent to her so she included us in the outing. It’s an art exhibition that they update with new exhibits regularly. The skull’s “beard” is magnets that keep changing in appearance.

We also went to the Japanese Friendship Garden (pictured below), Pueblo Grande, and Shamrock Dairy Farm. Plus, as a belated gift to my mom for her 84th birthday, we took her to see Shen Yun at the Orpheum theater (which we had toured in January).

Heck, Rob and I even had a “day date (top photo of the post)” at the Phoenix Art Museum. On top of that, we went out to Denver for a short weekend for a friend’s birthday party and were able to stay with my stepmom, Nancy.
Needless to say, we’ve been VERY busy.


We had our first visitor since CoVid and it was so nice to learn more about Jennifer from Curated by Jennifer. The best part is she eats basically the same nutrient-dense way that we do, so we got to exchange a ton of recipes.
Rob was excited that someone came to visit because I cleaned the house better than I have in ages!!
We took Jennifer to the Phoenix Botanical Gardens to see the cool cactus and Chihuly exhibit.

I also have been wearing my Cuddle Clone PJs (as seen here on Friday’s daily outfit). If there is an upcoming celebration that needs a special gift, what could be more special than mementos with someone’s pet’s face on it? I don’t get a commission or anything, but I just think they are the cat’s meow (come on…I had to say that, haha). And you can get 10% off anything they offer with the code CCJTOUCHOFSTYLE.

Now, this isn’t sexy, but we recently bought these toilet bowl cleaning stones (on Amazon) and are SO impressed. Here in Arizona, our water is very hard and we get calcifications in the toilet bowls. And this is the only thing we’ve tried that gets them off.

Please Join me in Sharing Life Updates

My goal with my life updates post is to share the behind-the-scenes of my life. I continue to share some aspects in my daily emails, but many times there’s so much to say, and so little time.
It’s always heartwarming to me to learn more about you too, so I hope you’ll share some life updates either in the comments or email me at (or reply to the email if you’re a subscriber)

I hope I say thank you enough because your support allows me to continue this journey which I just LOVE!!!
Supporting a blog can be easy and free. Just visiting my pages, clicking my links (especially for small businesses and sponsored posts), and sharing the things you like on your social media make a huge difference. Spreading the word is how I can reach more wonderful people like you!

Why should you sign up for the emails below? I include some personal tidbits in these emails along with other happenings, sales, information, and links.

Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

Find out more about all of us here. And make sure to join the email list where I include so much more.

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