May 2022 Life Updates

I appreciate each and every share. Thank you!

The months go by in a flash and I love having this way to remember the best parts. Thanks for following along and I’d love to hear a fabulous event or detail from your life.
BTW. the photo at the top is from my cousin’s daughter’s college graduation in Flagstaff this month. Want to see the family from 5 years ago?? Check out April 16 in this post.

Quote of the day: Have you ever taken a photo of the sunset only to look at it and realize it was so much more beautiful in real life? Remember that when you’re picking apart photos of yourself.” Sara King

This quote is exactly what we need to read every morning. We are always so hard on ourselves, which seems so silly. Yet, it’s a hard habit to break, which is why I’m here to remind you that you are fabulous as is!!

Each month is so different, so each of these monthly updates includes different categories and photos.

Facts: Some of these links are affiliate links. This means, that if you click a link and make a purchase, Jodie’s Touch of Style gets a small commission at no extra cost to you. I do appreciate you supporting the brands that make this blog possible! I am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


I hit the jackpot when it came to winning some giveaways this month (in fact, one of the winnings are still coming, so I’ll showcase it next month.
The thrill of winning items is almost as wonderful as scoring great deals at the thrift stores!! That’s why I continue to enter them.

What I won:
1-A pair of shoes from Marc Fisher
2-The cutest purse (and bracelet) from Ideas Valyen (She also generously offered 15% off with code, WLC or free shipping using code: FREE_SHIP)
3-This purse is from Marajai Bags from Spain. I was originally supposed to pay for the shipping (it was part of the stated rules), but instead, she had her brother send it to me from NY. It was a wonderful surprise.
4-A Mother’s day package that included products from 6 different midlife women’s companies. They were: Hello Hazel, Better Not Younger (isn’t that the best name for a company?), Pause Well Aging, Kindra, Hey Tabu, and VNV

Related post: How to enter giveaways

Insider tidbit: When I first sold my practice, I used to enter all kinds of giveaways. But never blog or Instagram ones. However, I think sometimes you have the best chance of winning at these smaller giveaways.

This is the photo Rob snapped as I was talking to Carrie of Blue Coral Health & Wellness


If you’ve been following along in my emails (and you should, you know, because I share more of our personal happenings as well as interesting articles that you would love.)
I’ll put the link here so you don’t forget:

Anyways, I’m working with a functional medicine provider called Blue Coral Health & Wellness. Our health journey is quite complicated, and I’ve always been interested in it.
I’ll share more about it after a couple of months, but suffice it to say, it’s been very impressive.
And she does offer a 15-minute complimentary phone call to see if it’s something that might benefit you (found here). It’s really quite reasonably priced too. Sure, insurance doesn’t cover it, but there’s no better investment than your health as my stepmom always says.

I don’t share much about my first marriage because it was very painful, but she’s the first one to suggest seeing a counselor about that time in my life. Even I never thought of that since I’m in a better place now.

Insider tip: It’s always good to have another brain help us with anything and everything. We are NOT meant to do it on our own.

Did you notice that I’m on the phone for my appointment?? The advantage is that it’s telehealth so anyone from anywhere can use the service.


We have been trying to get out and explore as much as possible. Since the weather is heating up now, we will be switching over to inside tours instead.

In the middle of the month, we took my mom and Lesley down to Tucson for an overnight trip to see some of the sights. I had been told that Tucson is cooler than Phoenix since the elevation is higher, but that was incorrect-at least for the weekend that we were there, LOL!
We went to the Pima Air & Space Museum, Mission Xavier del Bac (which is the oldest European structure in Arizona), we took the garden tour of Tohono Chul which is a botanical garden, and then we toured the Valley of the Moon.

Before that trip, we visited a super quaint museum in Litchfield (which is only 10 minutes from where we live) and learned why Goodyear, AZ is named Goodyear.

Insider knowledge: Arizona was a big cotton-growing state and cotton was used to make tires.

We also took a tour of the Chandler Museum after a wonderful brunch on Mother’s Day. And there was a trip to the Arizona Capitol Museum just last week. I feel like I know more about Arizona than I ever did about Colorado where I lived for over 30 years.

Things I’ve Been Influenced to Buy

I love it when other women give me great ideas of things that I need!!
Lately, I’ve added to our collection:

1-A boatload of sunscreens.
A-The Summer Ready is one I discovered last year and love it because it allows some of the Vit. D to be absorbed by my skin. (It’s also come down in price since last year).
B-Sun Plus
C-Spa Technologies (moisturizer and sunscreen all in one) and with the code, SPASKIN20 you get 20% off
D-Dr. Dennis Gross

Insider info: I have a list of these on my Shoplist site here. I’m working on getting all of my skincare uploaded to this area so it’s easy for others to see.

2-The outdoor rug was the final piece we needed for our backyard patio to come together. It was under $40 at World Market and I love how it’s reversible.

3-One of my friends on Instagram recommended this mascara and I had to try it since it’s under $5. I’ve only used it a week, but so far I LOVE it. I may have to do a mascara comparison post, haha.

Husband Time

With all of our blogging and exploring time, Rob and I have been trying to make sure we have some special dates just for us. We recently visited a historic hotel, called the Wigwam, in our area because we had earned a free night through
The best part is we learned a little about it right before we visited when we went to the Litchfield museum. We hadn’t done a staycation since we’ve moved out here and it’s exactly what the doctor ordered.

We’ve also been trying to visit the Phoenix Art Museum and go on the docent tours at least once a month. If you ever have a chance to take a docent tour, it’s such a great learning opportunity!!

Thank you

I hope I say thank you enough because your support allows me to continue this journey which I just LOVE!!!
Supporting a blog can be easy and free. Just visiting my pages, clicking my links (especially for small businesses and sponsored posts), and sharing the things you like on your social media make a huge difference. Spreading the word is how I can reach more wonderful people like you!

This is the perfect time to sign up for the emails below since you’ll get my eBook about accessories. My email family also gets personal tidbits of what’s going on in my life along with other happenings, sales, information, giveaways, extra photos, and interesting articles.

Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also about my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

Find out more about all of us here. And make sure to join the email list where I include so much more.

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