I think this is my favorite option for transitioning our professional wardrobe to our retired lifestyle. Wearing a blazer can be the modern vibe that gives any look some chicness.
But the week’s theme isn’t all about wearing blazers after retirement. Instead, the three of us concentrated on different items you might have worn while you were working, and give you tips to wear them for a more casual lifestyle.
Quote of the day: “The strategies that made you successful in the past will, at some point, reach their limit.” James Clear
I’m totally interpreting the quote above to go with the theme of wearing blazers after retirement. Just because you wore these items with other work-related clothing, and looked the part of a career-minded woman, doesn’t mean that’s the only way to wear them.
In fact, Charlotte styled the classic button-down blouse in a unique way, and I made the pencil skirt work for a day of exploring our area.
The idea of getting creative with our clothes and styling them in ways you might not have considered in the past is so good for not just our wallets but our brains.
While it wouldn’t be awful to still wear our professional outfits after we leave the job, most of us tend to want a more casual appearance.
However, it’s pure silliness to get rid of everything because they are “work clothes.”
Insider tip: Remember, the secret to wearing our work clothes in retirement is to stop calling them work clothes.
There’s nothing more modern than incorporating yin and yang into a look. So wearing blazers after retirement is a fabulous way to make your jeans and t-shirt seem oh, so chic.

Jeans: Style & Co ~~ Blazer: Chadwick ~~ T-Shirt: Port & Company-Amazon here~~ Shoes: no label- thrifted~~ Purse: K Carroll from a boutique in Glendale, AZ
Casual Uniform
When we aren’t working anymore, we get into a habit of donning jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, or what I would consider a casual uniform. In all reality, it’s not that much different than our work uniform.
But the easiest way to make that casual uniform more modern is to throw a blazer on. Just think how you’ve upgraded this look to something that makes you feel more put together.
Since blazers come in all lengths, cuts, and colors, they can be a substitute for any kind of jacket you’d normally grab from the coat closet. Going off to a fancy event in a sleeveless dress. Add a blazer to the look instead of a cardigan sweater.
Seriously, there are so many ways you can wear blazers after retirement without looking like you’re still going into the office.
Insider tip: Another way to make the blazer seem more casual is to roll up the sleeves.
Related posts on ways to upgrade your jeans and tee:
With a kimono
Adding a fabulous denim jacket
Throw on a unique cardigan

Wearing Blazers After Retirement with Graphic Tees
Lesley confessed that she only has 2 graphic tees in her closet. I realize that they aren’t on the list of mature women’s basics. Yet, there are some messages that deserve to be worn on our chests.
Insider tip: If you aren’t one who loves to accessorize a plain t-shirt, then a graphic tee will add some interest with much less work on your part.
As a huge Eagles fan, Lesley did succumb to purchasing this “On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair” tee. If you love it too, it’s still on Amazon and available in many colors.
In fact, this message is not only ideal for Lesley because she loves this band, but also because she has a convertible where she lives the message! Not to mention that we see that landscape now that we are living in Arizona.
Related posts with graphic tees:
5 ways to wear a graphic tee
Drive-in movie look
The ageless outfit in a graphic tee

How the Accessories Differ After Retirement
In most of our careers, we felt the need to be more serious and professional. Thus the masculine blazer and other workwear we accumulated. Heck, even our accessories tended to be more toned down.
However, now that we are living the dream in retirement mode, we can incorporate more whimsical and fun accessories.
Even though Lesley is wearing her blazer for this look, she is accessorized with colorful add-ons. The earrings are a conglomerate of colorful beads which can even be seen through her mid-length hairstyle.
Then the cherry on top is the yellow purse. At first glance, you might think that yellow is an unrelated color for the outfit. However, there is yellow in the graphic tee along with her earrings.
Even if there wasn’t any other yellow in Lesley’s look, it’s the perfect sign of spring to grab your yellow purse?
You do have a yellow purse, right?? I think they are one of the most versatile colors for purses around.

Jeans for 2022
While this isn’t an article on the jeans trend for the year, we have discussed how there are a variety of silhouettes that are coming back.
Lesley is wearing a pair of the straight leg style.
I think the lighter wash makes them fun and casual!! BTW, notice how a blazer can cover your tush if you feel your jeans are too tight? Another great reason for wearing blazers after retirement!!
Related posts:
Wider leg jeans
Boyfriend jeans
Straight leg vs. mom jeans

Sneakers in Retirement
When you talk about retirement and a more casual lifestyle, then the footwear of choice is definitely sneakers. At least it is for us during the transitional times between boot weather and sandal weather. Of course, everyone’s lifestyle is different, but we have made our retirement life include exploring our area.
And since exploring means days of walking, we have added many types of sneakers to our closet so we can be comfortable along with stylish.
Lesley found this Monet-inspired pair of sneakers while she was thrifting.
Insider tip: Colorful sneakers give off a more modern vibe instead of always choosing neutral colors. If there is any worry that they make your feet look bigger, I would ask you to analyze why big feet are bad? Or the opposite of why smaller feet are better? The whole idea that one size is the way to be is ridiculous.

Blazers After Retirement
There are so many blazers varieties and hopefully, you didn’t purge all of yours when you decided to retire. Remember that donating our clothing to thrift stores is not as eco-friendly as you think.
The true cost of getting rid of clothing we think we don’t need is much higher than imagined.
Insider tip: After watching the True Cost documentary along with Riverblue, I’ve been trying to learn to style the things I already have in my closet.
I would say that maybe you don’t need to keep all of your blazers after retirement. If you happen to have a multitude in the same color, then maybe only keep 1 or 2 of those.
Or if you have colors of blazers that look terrible with your complexion maybe those aren’t for you anymore (although I did post 5 ways to wear a bad color. Then maybe give those to a friend. Or to a friend’s daughter who is just going out into the workforce.
BTW, even though I’m retired, blazers are one of the things I always look at when thrifting. They can be a wonderful deal, and add so much to an outfit.

My Goal
Thank you for visiting my space on the internet. I like to showcase how it’s never too late to look great for women of any age, size, or working with any budget.
I feel I’m here to help move beyond the fashion rules of yesterday and evolve. Style and clothes are made to give you joy. Not cause us stress because we are worried about what others think.
My hope is that you get ideas and inspiration from Charlotte, Lesley, and myself. It’s not about copying what we wear, but about using what you already have and updating items along the way.
Most of all it’s getting us to think differently and dare I say, have fun?
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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.
It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.
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