My hair journey with different colors and styles

My Hair Journey From Infant to Now

I appreciate each and every share. Thank you!

Our Where Bloggers Live prompt for this month was “haircare routine”. Not to be the rogue, but since I’ve written a couple of articles even recently about my hair care routine, I decided to stray a bit.
A while back, one of my friends, Penny from Frugal Fashion Shopper, shared her hairstyles over the years, and I thought it was really fun. So that’s what I’m going to do today with my hair journey from when I was a baby until now.

Quote of the day: “One of the few advantages to not being beautiful is that one usually gets better looking as one gets older. I am, in fact, at this very moment gaining my looks.” Nora Ephron

Hair is one of those aspects about ourselves that we put a ton of stock into. Yet the best part about it is how it’s so easily changeable whether it’s the color, style, or length.
Yet who here hasn’t cried when something “terrible” has happened to their hair, or didn’t turn out like it was supposed to? (my hand is raised)

It’s a topic we could discuss for ages, right?

So I pawed through my photo boxes (which used to be organized and are now a mess) and came up with how my hair journey has changed over the years.

Long curly hair as a kid

I just had to start with this photo though. It’s one of my favorites for some reason, and I would love to get my hair like that again. Although I’d probably complain that it looked messy, haha.

I have shared many other articles about my hair journey recently as I’ve been working on getting it healthier and looking better. Feel free to check out those posts below.

The Baby Years

I was born without hair. And that was before those cute little headbands so you could tell I was a girl. I guess that’s a good reason that my mom put me in dresses.

Then by about age 2, the curls started coming in.

Toddler Years

It’s always so funny to see the differences in the color of my hair depending on the age and season. Heck, you could have called me Little Orphan Annie in that yellow swimsuit, yet look how blonde it looked when I was 5.

PigTail Days

As soon as my hair was long enough, my mom would always put it up in pigtails. I had a drawer full of those yarn pieces that were put in every morning to match my outfit.

It’s no wonder I love fashion like I do, right?

One of my favorite memories in elementary school is when there would be a movie and we would all sit on the floor. I had a couple of friends who always wanted to sit behind me and play with my hair.

Short Hair

My hair journey with short hair
5th grade

But in the middle of 4th grade, I had to get glasses. And both my mom and I thought the pigtails and glasses weren’t a good combination. So we chopped off the pigtails.

Insider detail: My mom had them hanging in a shadow box and only threw them out when we moved out here to Arizona 4 years ago.

Because of the shorter hair and non-descript style, there were many, many times that I was called a boy during these years.
So much so, that we had a t-shirt made with the word “Girl” on it.

High School and College

Back in high school, I used Sun-In during the summers to try to lighten my hair. (Do you know they still make it? It’s on Amazon).
But in college, there wasn’t as much time to sit out in the sun. I was studying, haha.

So my hair was mostly the color it is now and I always like having bangs.


Dyed blonde hair as dental graduate
This was dental school graduation. I’m on the left and my bestie is on the right.

Some time in dental school, I went to a beauty school to get highlights. Unfortunately, it did not go as planned. My hair turned super brassy and I ended up going to the drugstore and making it platinum blonde.

That started my blonde years when I had a “real” hair stylist color my hair until I retired. That means I colored my hair for over 20 years.

Curly Vs Straight

Part of my hair journey is not just about the length of it or the color of it but about the curls.

As you’ve seen when I was a kid, my hair was naturally curly. And throughout our marriage of 20 years, I’ve sported both my curly locks and have straightened them.

My Hair Journey With Wigs

And I’ve even worn wigs. Truthfully I LOVE the idea of wigs. You always have a great hair day with them.
The short, blonde wig on the left is one that I still have. We named it “Glenda” and I would wear it on the weekends but not when I was working as a dentist.

The longer wig was not Rob’s favorite. I loved the idea of having long, thick hair but it was too shiny and got matted very easily. I have since purged it.

I’ve also had a clip-on ponytail (I was wearing it when I first met Rob at 8-minute dating) and I now have Halo extensions. I’m sure I’ll purchase another faux hair scrunchie (like one of these) because it makes your ponytail look so much thicker.

Insider tip: One of my friends said if you order a ponytail piece like those and it doesn’t match your hair that well, just take it to your stylist and she can dye it. Thanks, Gail.

So there’s my hair journey in photos. Talk about a trip down memory lane.

Where Bloggers Live

What is Where Bloggers Live? It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and hear all about the personal backstories and interesting details? Go take a gander at everyone else’s post about hair. Granted they might be following the prompt better by sharing their haircare routine so you might learn something.
FYI, we don’t all post at the same time since we all have different schedules and live in different parts of the country.

Where bloggers live

Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

The Series

We’ve been doing this fun series for a long time as you can see by the prompts below. These are only from the last year or so. Feel free to visit any that might strike your fancy.

Memories of NYC Trips
Hairstyles from my Childhood
The Truth About How I Blog
A Day in the Life-Field Trip
Food: My 2 Favorite Gluten-Free Breakfast Options
Jewelry Organization
Favorite Bloggers
What’s in my Kitchen Pantry
My Favorite Website(s)
A Day in the Life: Weekend
Medicine Cabinet
Art Collection
Favorite Kitchen Appliances
If You Could Time Travel
What’s in my Suitcase (When it’s Empty)
My Hair Journey

Sharing my hair journey from infant to now

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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

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