Old Traditions or new for Thanksgiving

Old Traditions or New? Favorite Holiday at Home with Where Bloggers Live

I appreciate each and every share. Thank you!

The theme of this month’s Where Bloggers Live collaboration was all about our favorite holiday at home. If you would have asked me years ago, I’d easily say Thanksgiving. Yet the details of the holiday have changed over time. Join me as I talk about old traditions or new ones and how it’s made me think differently.

Quote of the day: “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa

Do you have a favorite holiday?? Considering we are talking about this idea in December, I should be talking about Christmas and how over the last 10 years, my mother, stepmom, and husband and I try to celebrate Christmas by enjoying an experience together instead of buying each other gifts.

We always figure that by this time in our lives, we really don’t “need” any more tchotchkes, and it’s the memories that are the best. And I do appreciate that with the Christmas season, but I wouldn’t say that it’s my favorite time of year. Maybe part of it is because it seems so commercialized?

If you are wondering about the rapport between my mom and stepmom, you’ll find lots of goodies in the behind-the-scenes post discussing our relationship.

For example, this year for Christmas my mom, stepmom, Rob, and I are heading out to Austin, Texas. Last year we celebrated in Sedona, Arizona. Some years it was as simple as going out to eat and seeing a movie.

My other favorite holiday SHOULD be Valentine’s day since that’s Rob and my anniversary. In fact, we shared some Valentine’s love as one of our Where Blogger’s Live moments (found here if you want to see some funny old photos).

Favorite Holiday

I would have a lot of reasons to say that Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday at home. I mean let’s just start with the name of the holiday. Thanksgiving. That in itself is the reason for it to hold dear to my heart.

I’ve always been more of a “glass half full” person, and I truly believe that we should give thanks for the things we do have in life. Because in reality, most of us have those security essentials meaning a roof over our heads, clean water, and plenty to eat.
Besides, Thanksgiving was a family holiday for us and even though my family is small, it was wonderful to connect with my cousin in Boulder and her family.

Then the second-best part of Thanksgiving to me was the food. In fact, my husband and I would routinely make a turkey the week before Thanksgiving so that we could enjoy it without sharing (how’s that for honesty? haha). Part of the idea of old traditions or new always came up with the food. My mom always wanted the traditional fare while my cousin and I always wanted to try out new recipes.

Then the other fabulous part about Thanksgiving is the fact you don’t have to stress out about gifts. There’s no pressure to buy the perfect present for each other and you don’t have to pretend to like what others have given you!


Old Traditions or New

Yet as in everyone’s life, things change and Thanksgiving isn’t quite the same. First and foremost, we moved from our home in Denver to Arizona, so the whole family isn’t here. Luckily my mom is here with us and now we have Lesley as part of our family; however, my stepmom (one of the original models on the blog) and my cousin are back in Denver.

The other thing that has changed dramatically for Rob and me is our nutrient-dense way of eating. If you are interested in what that means, I shared some of it here. I’ve always believed in a healthy lifestyle, yet it’s amazing how Rob and I can eat the same things yet react differently.
Because of digestive issues, we have cut out gluten from our diet and sugar is no longer part of our meals.

Insider tip: There is no perfect diet. What we try to remember is whatever we eat is either fighting or feeding disease. Sure, your mind might crave something but is it really helping your body?? That’s the conversation we have with ourselves.

The elimination of sugar was the hardest for me and the removal of bread was tough for Rob. Once your body starts feeling better though, you realize that you have more control than you think.

A New Kind of Thanksgiving

What that means to my favorite holiday of Thanksgiving is changing how we enjoy the meal. Not that we couldn’t still eat the same things, but when it makes us feel awful, we have figured out it’s not worth it.

That’s why we have been getting our meats from either Wild Pastures or Butcher Box (we alternate between them). We also have switched to a mold-free coffee along with getting some of our vegetables and fruits from Misfits.
BTW, I also shared many of the healthy convenience foods we purchase (because everyone knows it’s very time-consuming to eat healthily).

Insider tip: I have a tab about the links to these healthy companies. It’s the tab on my site under shopping links & deals called Healthy Eating (found here). I don’t get a commission from these sites, but they all have some kind of incentive for new customers, and then we get a credit on our account.

What this means is our Thanksgiving table looked a little different this year. We made a gluten-free, pumpkin pie and there was no stuffing for us. Since this way of eating is somewhat new to us, it’s still challenging to find the recipes that will work and change our mindset.

All in all, it was still fabulous and I still have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!! Now I’d love to hear your favorite.

Where Bloggers Live & Favorite Holiday with Old Traditions or New

What is Where Bloggers Live? It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and hear all about the personal backstories and interesting details?

I hope you pop over to the other 5 women to read about their favorite holiday at home whether it’s old traditions or new.

Where bloggers live

Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After

The Series

Inside Our Home
My Community
Holiday Lights in Phoenix
Things to do in Phoenix
Valentines Day–The 3 Important People in my Life
Arizona Facts That May Surprise You
My Home Office
A Day in My Life
Our Front and Back Patio
Our Kitchen
Vacation Memories
Closet Tour
My Favorite Things
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
The Guest Room and Murphy Bed
The Remarkable Evolution Inspiration for Life
Help Me Figure Out How to Decorate My Entryway
DIY and Life Lessons
Home Away from Home
Can’t Let Go
Organizing Ideas
Past Home Memories
Favorite Music
Junk Drawer Essentials
Favorite Holiday

Don’t Miss a Thing

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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

Find out more about all of us here. And make sure to join the email list where I include so much more.

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