Too old to wear fun outfits for celebrations?

Outfits for Celebrations: Too Old to Shine?

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Finding the right outfits for celebrations shouldn’t be stressful. In all reality, I believe that every day is a celebration of sorts, yet we are also never too old to shine.
So pull out the sequins and anything fun for the outfits for celebrations. This is not the time to dress in basic things!

Quote of the day: “If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?” Joe Namath

Now there’s a quote to really think about. Too many times we worry about if our outfits are correct or if certain things go together. But especially for the idea of outfits for celebrations, shouldn’t we wear not only what makes us look good, but also what makes us feel special?

Don’t forget to add your outfit to the FB post for the Bright Color January Challenge. Just comment with your photo and I’ll share it in my Daily Outifts post.

I would like to say that the three of us wore these outfits to celebrate my birthday by going to a Christmas concert. And we received a lot of compliments. Of course, the goal of what we wear should not just be to get noticed by others but to showcase our personality. Yet I would be lying if I didn’t say that I LOVE it when people stop us and compliment us.
And I would like to say that the three of us are not too old to shine.

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What Are Outfits For Celebrations?

We have talked many times about the kinds of celebrations we attend, and options for what to wear to them in the past:
1-Weddings– One dress being worn multiple ways
2-Funerals– This post was focused on cooler weather funerals
3-Birthdays– I included bling and texture in this idea
4-Reunions– What Lesley really wore to her 50th high school reunion

And while these outfits were for my birthday celebration, I hope we don’t limit ourselves to only wearing fun things for “special” days.
If life has taught us one thing, I hope it’s that each day is a gift, and there is no reason not to make every outfit count.

So while we are concentrating on entire “over the top” outfits for celebrations in this post, I hope you add something blingy, sparkly, or extra to your next daily look. Who knows, it might be the first step to having fun with your style.
Even though most of us only think of sequins for New Year’s Eve, we have talked about styling them for every day.

The three of us are even showcasing the overcoat and toppers we wore with our outfits.

Black & White with a Pop of Red

Black and white is a common color pairing for the usual outfits for celebrations. Yet both of those neutrals can make our older skin look sallow. The answer to that conundrum is to add a pop of color.

Charlotte added her pop of color with a red scarf that she just draped around her neck. To make it seem more intentional she also carried a red purse, wore red lipstick, and had a red coat as her topper.

Insider tip: These scarf clips make it easy to “tie” your scarf without the bulk and worry if you did it right. They aren’t expensive and can be that lifesaving tool when you need them.

My mom even borrowed this white studded turtleneck from her friend at her Independent living place. It’s proof that we are never too old to swap our clothes.

On a casual note: If you wanted to tone down the look, I would recommend swapping out the skirt for blue jeans. NOT black pants because every woman over age 40 wears black pants. But you could dress up your jeans with this studded turtleneck and sequin vest and look like a stylish hipster.

The Details

With the idea that we were dressing up to celebrate my special day, Charlotte wore her pearl earrings and pearl bracelet.

Black boots are the perfect winter footwear especially if you wear skirts or dresses this time of year.

Insider tip: You can be layered with fleece-lined tights to keep you toasty warm under that skirt.

Woman over 80 and outfits for celebrations

Sparkle and Shine

Lesley went all out with this sparkly masterpiece of a dress. And can you guess where she bought it?
She opted for a royal blue wrap to cover herself from the chill.

Lesley found this dress while thrifting for $15. She couldn’t try it on but took a chance on it anyways. And boy is it a perfect idea for outfits for celebrations.
The dress had sparkle, shine, and fringe which makes her feel like a million bucks.

Insider tip: Most of us would talk ourselves out of a fun dress like this saying “I don’t have any event to wear it to”. But if you love an item, AND it’s a fabulous deal, then why not create an event so you can wear it? There is nothing wrong with hosting your own party for the reason of “Just Because.”

Related post: Fashion on a budget for special occasions

The Details

Lesley grabbed her vintage purse and rhinestone-studded sandals to go with this one-of-a-kind dress. You can tell by the smile on her face that she feels as good as she looks.

Black and silver dress

Layering a Sequin Dress

While I don’t wear lots of black, I liked this sequin dress because it’s more gold. I was only planning on wearing the green top under it but it was cooler than I wanted, so I also wore a turtleneck under both.

Would you believe that the dress is worn backward? See my video to see how it happened and how it would have looked with just the green top under the dress.

This sequin dress came in my Fashom box. Fashom is doing things differently now and you pay $95 for 5 pieces. You can’t preview the pieces or send them back, which is how they can give you such a fabulous deal for 5 clothing items (I mean, that’s less than $20 for each item).
Thus if you don’t like something, then you just give it to a friend.

For my coat, I grabbed my leopard coat. You can see how the original crew all wore our leopard coats here.

The Details

I hear most of you don’t like dresses and skirts in the cold weather. That’s why I had to try these fleece-lined sheer tights that have been all the rage on TikTok. I’m here to tell you, they are nice and warm.
I added my wrist cuffs (also from Amazon) which also help to keep me warm.

And the only reason I wore a hat was that my hair was having a tantrum. I would have worn a taller hat except I knew we would be sitting at a concert and I didn’t want to obstruct the view of the person behind me.

Adding color to a black/gold sequin dress
Sequins outfits for celebrations
Outifts for celebrations for grown women

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo

Thank you

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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

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