Pastels with Black and White for Spring

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Wearing black and white with yellow and mint colors

Pastels with Black and White for Spring

Quote of the day: “ Spring has come when you can put your foot on three daisies.” ~Proverb

Since my mom almost looks like a daisy, I figured this quote was perfect. And what better way to usher in spring than with pastels?

Even if you are one of those people that can’t wear pastels near your face without looking washed out, here’s a combination that could work.

Wearing black and white for spring for women over 80

It seems like there is never a bad word about black and white. It’s so classic and universal. Yet putting a pastel (or two) with it may have you thinking spring.

Nancy experimented with adding brights to her black and white blouse. Another nod to the lighter days, in my opinion. Of course there are other options like adding florals to it. Of course, you can see us all together too.

Charlotte’s Wearing

Jeans: Fabrizio Gianni c/o ~~Cardigan: Mom made it~~Top: LOFT-thrifted ~~ Shoes: Nine West ~~Belt: Calvin Klein-thrifted~~Earrings: ~~Ring:~~Purse: Mom made the cover

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Charlotte in her Black and White for Spring

So you might consider this cheating since my mom’s blouse is really cream and white. But when I searching for all three of our blouses at Goodwill, I knew that mom’s complexion would look SO much better with cream instead of white.

Ever since having our colors analyzed last year, I have been pretty darn diligent about trying to follow them. And I push that expectation onto my mother too. Not that she’s always happy about it, LOL.

In fact, my mom didn’t love having to use this blouse for our post. She found it hard to find a pastel that looked good with this cream color. I haven’t always been good about analyzing color, but I feel like this cream has a lot of yellow in it. Which is why it looks good with the yellow cardigan. Like a peach cardigan or green one could work too.

Wearing black and white for spring with yellow


Since I talked about statement earrings in the Spring Trends Post last week, I loved seeing my mom with her long earrings. If you usually only wear little earrings, I would love to know why? To me these bigger ones are a great way to bring the focal point to our face.

And while it’s hard to really see my mom’s ring in this photo, trust me that it’s an owl. I think my mom and I counted how many owl jewelry pieces she has and it’s over 25. So no, she doesn’t need any more!

Can I get a yahoo for this nod to print mixing? I was over the moon that my mom wanted to wear this zebra print belt with the print blouse. We’ve showcased ideas on how to dip your toe into print mixing in the past. And I think it adds so much pizzazz.


When I first saw my mom’s outfit she had on peep toe yellow flats with this outfit. Of course. She’s all about matching. But it was still chilly outside, so I convinced her to change into these metallic flats instead.

For some reason I think metallic shoes are the bomb. Granted I don’t have this particular shade of metallic, but I wear my silver sneakers SO much, and just last year bought some gold brogues. If you struggle with what shoes would look good with everything, I think you should try a metallic one.

Wearing black and white for spring with metallics too


The bermuda bag. Anyone else had one of these back in the day? There’s been a woman I follow on Instagram, Donna, who has been talking about them. And of course my mom didn’t throw mine out from high school.

In her defense it’s because she made all but the first one of these covers for this purse. I think there are about a dozen of them. She created a pattern from the premade one, and then would use leftover materiel to make the rest. Needless to say I had one that matched many of my outfits in high school. And so she inherited them.

Wearing black and white for spring with pastels for older women


My mom also made this cardigan. Which is why you’ll never find one just like it at the stores. But the ruffles go with the Spring Trends for this year.

You have to laugh when my mom can remember where she bought the material for many of her creations. This yellow knit was purchased when she was in Idaho Springs with a singles group at a Hot Air Balloon Festival many years ago. While most of you would be enjoying the balloons, I’m sure my mom was shopping!!

Wearing black and white for spring with pastels


As much as we talk about trends and staying modern, I do think that colored jeans never go off of my radar. Even if I don’t see them at the stores as much, I love them much more than just blue denim. For me, I consider them a tad dressier than blue jeans.

Now the younger girls may snub their noses at different color jeans, but I believe we need to have fun with our style too. Not that I want to look frumpy. Do you think my mom looks frumpy here? I certainly don’t.

Wearing black and white for spring for mature women

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo

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