Scarf Organization Ideas: Fundamentals Simplified

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There are just as many scarf organization ideas as there are types of scarves. So how do you know what will work best for you?
That question brought me to consider some simplified fundamentals about organizing in general.

Quote of the day: “The best outcomes come from inspiring people to action, not telling them what to do.” Julie Zhou

The best part of this scarf organization ideas post is that my friend, Sally, is joining in on the challenge. She is a blogger at Within a World of my Own, who also wears and talks about scarves frequently, so I figured it would be beneficial to you to hear multiple options.

This winter I decided to look at other scarf organization ideas and change what I was doing. This brings me to the fundamentals of organizing anything: IT NEEDS TO WORK FOR YOU for the present time.
Just because an organizational solution worked for you at one time, doesn’t mean it’s the only way to do it.

Related post: Sock organization

Fundamentals Simplified When It Comes to Organization

So many things can change over time especially moving houses and increasing/decreasing the number of items.

The one trap you don’t want to fall into is the idea that there is only one “right” way to organize anything in your closet.
That’s why I love hearing about other women’s scarf organization ideas, even if they don’t work for my situation.

Important Details

The whole idea behind organizing your clothing/accessories is that it creates the ability to find what you need when you need it. Therefore, I believe in:
1Group like items with other like items. For example, don’t hang a two-piece suit together. Keep the pants with other pants and the blazer with other jackets. When you are looking at jackets and come upon the suit blazer, you WILL remember there is a matching pair of pants. This is one reason I always say to hang the self-belts from dresses and pants with your belts. You’ll never wear them with other outfits otherwise.
2Colors! Once items are grouped together, arrange them by color. The majority of us remember a piece by its color. This means when you are looking for that yellow top, if you look through your tops and have the yellows together, you will find it lickety-split. Personally, I have a color sequence I use for all of my categories.
3-Make sure you can see everything. If you layer t-shirts on top of each other in a drawer, you will forget about the ones on the bottom layer. It’s much better to have them folded and standing up in the drawer, so they can be seen.

Now once they are organized this way, don’t forget that even though the skirts are grouped together, that doesn’t mean you can’t wear things in other ways. It’s good to categorize for the sake of organization, but remember to describe the piece when you want to get creative with it.

Insider tip: Here’s a great example of how an item can really be worn so many different ways. How I wore a skirt 5 different ways, and only 1 way was as a skirt.

What to consider:
1-The space you have. You may be enthralled with folding shirts in a drawer after watching a video, but you need to evaluate your drawer dimensions and adjust accordingly.
2-How much of an item do you have? For instance, when I only had 5 purses, I used them as wall art. But once they started reproducing, I either had to rearrange the wall art or store them elsewhere.
3-The amount of money you want to spend on the task. Just because you saw a beautiful professionally organized closet on Pinterest does not mean you have to spend oodles of money to make your closet functional.
4-There is always a pro and con to any method. Don’t think because the organizational method isn’t perfect, it won’t work.
5-Ask a friend for help. Most times, 2 brains are better than one.

Scarf Organization Ideas from the Past

First, let me give you a look at how I had been organizing my scarves for years. In fact, I wrote a blog post about it which I embedded below.

This scarf organization idea worked for me wonderfully for years. In fact, I used these same holders (found on Amazon) for my mother’s scarves.
Somehow, my scarf collection kept growing and growing, and pretty soon I was using 2 different scarf hangers as seen above. (I took off some of the scarves on the left hanger to showcase the actual hanger in more detail.)

As you can see in my example above, keeping them coordinated by color wasn’t working well.

How to experiment with scarf organization ideas
How it started

Using Curtain Rods

When I decided I needed to reevaluate how I was storing my scarves, I was inspired by Style Crone’s scarf organization ideas. When I lived in Denver, I was able to meet up with her in person once, and she told me that she had wooden dowels attached to her wall. You can see how it looks here on her Instagram account.

The best part is that we had a bunch of curtain rods in the garage that we hadn’t used when we moved from Colorado to Arizona. Thus, the total cost for this project was $0. It was just my time and energy.

The “How it started” photo is when I tried to organize the infinity scarves on the bottom curtain rod using “S” hooks (found on Amazon here). Then I grouped them by color on the top two curtain rods.

Insider tip: I use these “S” hooks for my jewelry organization also. My jewelry organization can be seen here.

After posting this result on my Instagram stories, I decided that I wanted the entire wall to be color coordinated from whites to darks. Yes, this meant removing all of the scarves and starting over. But now they are as I like them below.

Scarves as wall art
How it ended

Pros and Cons For This Scarf Organization

Remember how I talked about that no system is absolutely perfect?? Just like each of us, all scarf organization ideas have their pros and cons.

You can see that for my lower level of scarves, some are knotted. That’s because our robot vacuum (which I wrote about here) would get caught up if they were dragging on the carpet. Granted, if you don’t have a robot vacuum, this may not be an issue.

Another con for this scarf organization idea is there are times that the scarf adjacent to the one I’m pulling out, comes out too. But heck, it’s easy enough to push it back in place.

This is not EXACTLY like the Style Crone organizes her scarves. If you checked out her Instagram page, she knots each one over the rod. I decided this would be too much work to take them on and off. Personal preference needs to be a part of any organizational method.

Insider tip: I still used a couple of “S” hooks for my infinity scarves, but for others, I just draped them in half over the rod.

The pro with this new styling is not only how easy it is to find the color scarf I need, but its amazing wall decor. Who needs to paint the wall when this is taking up the wall space?

Other Scarf Organization Ideas

1-I hope you check out Sally’s post about how she keeps her scarves.
2-The circle hangers like I used in the past are wonderful.
3-Lesley keeps her scarves in various pretty boxes (similar to these on Amazon) labeled and organized by scarf shape. Therefore, one box would read small square scarves, one would be rectangle scarves, etc. If you are struggling to wear your scarves more, this may not be the best bet. Because I believe if you don’t see them, then you forget about them.
4-If you have room in your closet, then these multi-rung hangers would be great.
5-If you have floor space, then this stand-up holder would work.

Now it’s your turn to share. What are your scarf organization ideas?

Scarf organization ideas

Thank you

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