Sharing Clothes: Why It Could Be a Bonanza
The idea of sharing clothes came about when a friend asked me about the idea of being the kind of older gal whose younger friends want to wear your clothes. At the same time, there was a comment that a woman’s daughter had to borrow some of her clothes for work. Even though the mother and daughter had different body shapes/sizes, the daughter found some things to wear and was even complimented on the pieces.
Quote of the day: “Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.” Ray Bradbury
This quote is not exactly how I like to live life. And I bet you are more like me and prefer to play it safe. This is exactly why the idea of sharing clothes could be a bonanza for your style and closet.
1-You can try out colors that maybe you aren’t sure about.
2-The same goes with different styles like something edgy or boho.
3-There could be different brands that you never knew existed and could be perfect for you.
4-Do you think something (like a hat) doesn’t look good on you? You can borrow your friend’s and take it for a test drive.
5-Variety!! It’s the spice of life.
I don’t think we realize how our closet is pretty much the same. We tend to buy the same styles and colors because that’s what we think we like since we are used to wearing those styles and colors. Yet when we try out something new and different, we tend to get a lot of compliments because it’s unique from our usual.
Our usual isn’t bad. It’s just expected. So sharing clothes is a wonderful way to switch things up.
And remember, your friends don’t need to be the same size as you. Charlotte, Lesley, and I are all very different shapes and sizes yet we all found wonderful options. Even accessories could be on the sharing list!
Sharing Clothes from Jodie’s Closet
The two things from Jodie’s closet are the top and earrings.
You can see Jodie wearing the top in this post.

Skirt: Investments~~ Top–Jodie’s: no label-thrifted ~~ Boots: Donald Pliner~~ Earrings–Jodie’s: Made my Judy ~~ Purse: no label
This flowy top is very unstructured. In fact, I found it at a consignment store when they were going out of business and paid $2 for it. I wonder if it was handmade because there is no label on it. Yet I was drawn to the bright colors and beautiful material.
Personally, I am not a label connoisseur or snob, so I buy what I like. To me the important aspect is not the brand or size, but whether it fits and makes me feel good.
Since this type of top is very interesting on its own, you really don’t need a necklace to compete with it. Therefore, the shoulder scraping earrings are a perfect addition.
Charlotte wore the top with a simple pencil skirt and her favorite burgundy booties.

Sharing Clothes from Lesley’s Closet
The two things from Lesley’s closet are the embroidered top and red hat.
Lesley hadn’t worn the top yet and was even thinking of purging it. Yet it’s such a fun item, so I hope she keeps it and wears it soon.
The hat is one of many from Lesley’s hat wall!! She has them in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

Pants: 62 East~~ Top: Republic~~ Shoes: Impo~~ Purse: thrifted~~Hat: Pretty Little Thing
Charlotte wore the embroidered top with a pair of red stirrup pants. She’s had this pair of pants for over 25 years and has worn them before for the blog. Since there is a mix of other colors in the blouse, my mom incorporated those other colors in her shoes and purse.
The accessories are all garnets which is my mom’s birthstone.

Have Fun
Now you may think this is a silly idea. Yet, going through your friend’s closet can be very eye-opening. It reminded me of the time we descended on each other’s closets and put together an outfit.
So I hope not only you enjoyed these sharing clothes outfits but also consider doing the same thing with your friends.

My Goal
Thank you for visiting my space on the internet. I like to showcase how it’s never too late to look great for women of any age, size, or working with any budget.
I feel I’m here to help move beyond the fashion rules of yesterday and evolve. Style and clothes are made to give you joy. Not cause us stress because we are worried about what others think.
My hope is that you get ideas and inspiration from Charlotte, Lesley, and myself. It’s not about copying what we wear, but about using what you already have and updating items along the way.
Most of all it’s getting us to think differently and dare I say, have fun?
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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.
It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.
Find out more about all of us here. And make sure to join the email list where I include so much more.