Shirt and midi skirt combo

Shirt and Skirt Combo: The Good and Bad Options

I appreciate each and every share. Thank you!

Pink for older women

Shirt and Skirt Combo: The Good and Bad Options

With a request about shirt and skirt combo outfits, I thought it would be interesting to show an option we like and don’t like. Now it’s not to say that what we don’t like is necessarily WRONG. Remember, style is very individual contrary to all of those rules we read.
Yet I thought you’d like to hear the rationalization behind what each of us thinks does work and what doesn’t.

Quote of the day: “The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action.” Alexander Graham Bell

The three of us concentrated on shirt and midi skirt combos as a reader feels like she has trouble combining these pieces. The reason we all wore midi skirts is that they are longer and will cover more leg for those of you that prefer that option.
Yet the fact that midi skirts are longer and tend to be more voluminous can also be a challenge. Let’s follow my mom’s thinking as she put together her “yes” outfit and “no” outfit. Both showcase a pink top with her blue and pink skirt. I think this shows that the fit and details make all the difference.

Other options with midis and different tops
Spotlight on Good and Bad Tops to Wear With Skirts
Over 50: How to Style a Midi Skirt

Which shirt and skirt combo

Bad and Good Option of Shirt and Skirt Combo

First, let’s talk about the proportions of the pink tops vs the blue skirt for the two outfits. The left outfit is half and half. The right look is closer to 1/3 pink and 2/3 blue. Stylists will tell you to aim for an outfit with 1/3 to 2/3 (or 2/3 to 1/3) proportionate with your tops to bottoms.
Does that mean, the left side might be better with the top tucked in? Maybe.

The top on the left is also a boxier fit compared to the one on the right. Many of us struggle with having our curves show, but I hope we can work past that. Curves are NOT bad. Wearing a potato sack is bad!!

Charlotte told me that many times it’s a process of trying things on in front of the mirror to see what works for you.

Insider tip: If you feel like that is too much work, then I suggest taking photos of the outfits you love and printing them, so you have a reminder on those days you don’t want to play around.

Cowl shirt and skirt combo

Skirt: NY Collection~~ Top: Mom made it~~ Shoes: Nina-thrifted~~ Purse:

The Winner in Charlotte’s Eyes

Again, we aren’t here to say what works for us, will work for you. Sometimes the best outfits are those that actually break the rules. For this shirt and skirt combo, my mom loved the shorter more fitted top and the subtle accessories.

As a biased observer, I do prefer this outfit because the dark belt in the other outfit seems to break up the look too much. Of course, I would lean more for the darker accessories, but either option is pretty!!

Insider tip: Notice that the looser pink top has a crew neck and the long, dark necklace gives the impression of a v-neckline. Whereas the shorter pink top has a cowl neck so mom nestled her necklace inside the cowl.

Keeping the accessories matching
Good proportions with shirt and skirt combo

Change up Your Midi Skirt

I think a midi skirt can be more versatile than you think. Times have changed and one of those changes is that a skirt does NOT have to be worn as part of a dressy look. You can easily make them part of a more casual ensemble. In fact, pair this skirt with a graphic t-shirt for an everyday look. (And don’t tell me that’s not how you were raised so you can’t wear that. The idea is that your style should evolve, and not be the same as when you were young. Heck, everything else has changed, and so should you)

But if you have a midi skirt that is sitting around not being worn, the only way to change that is to pull it out. Take some time and try on all different kinds of tops with it. Send me the photos if you aren’t sure. I’m happy to help.
There are some quick fixes if it’s not quite fitting the way you like.

1-Shorten it.
2-Lengthen it either with the hem in it or add a different material.
3-Create a slit in it to show more leg and be less overwhelming.
4-Wear a tulle skirt under it to give it even more volume. That will make your top half seem smaller (it’s all about perspective like I showed with my tulle skirt).
5-Tie up an end of the skirt (Both Nancy and Charlotte showcased this option here).
6-Have the hem made into a handkerchief hem to get away from the horizontal line of where it ends.

Insider tip: You can easily shorten or lengthen a skirt to hit at the place you think is best on your body. BUT remember, don’t fret too much about an inch or so. In real life, you are fluid and moving, which means the skirt is moving and flowing.
Remember I’ve shown 5 no-sew ways to wear your maxi skirt differently. And these could work with a midi skirt too.

Pink shoes for fall

Pink Shoes

We have all heard how nude shoes are basic. Sometimes I think that light pink shoes can be just as versatile. The pink is a light footwear version and lends some color to the overall look. And my mom is showcasing how flats can be just as good an option for a midi skirt as heels.

Insider tip: If you worry that flats won’t work with a skirt or dress, wear pointed-toe shoes. They are longer and thus give the look of more length.

Pink and blue for fall

Would You Wear a Midi Skirt?

I notice that many women don’t wear skirts or dresses as much anymore. Yet, I would counter that a midi skirt is very similar to capri pants or some of the cropped jeans. The biggest advantage of these skirts? They are seriously cooler because of air circulation. Remember, we live in Arizona, we know these things!

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo

Thank you

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