How to Style your After Gym Outfit
Thinking about an after gym outfit may seem like too much work. I get it. Yet, I’m sure we’ve all heard the mantra of not running around in our yoga pants all the time. So when I saw this quote, it made me laugh. Because truly, haven’t we all worn or done all those things that we are told are “bad?”
Quote of the day: “Flops are a part of life’s menu and I’ve never been a girl to miss out on any of the courses.” Rosalind Russell
I mean, I’m just as guilty. You get dressed for the gym, and then need to run errands afterwards. It’s not like you want to bring a suitcase to your workout session. But with a little ingenuity, there are ways to style your after gym outfit to be stylish.
This is what we came up with for our after gym outfit to put on following our yoga session.

This was actually a suggestion from Marci from our last fitness wear post on how to style cover up options. And yes, in our next post, you’ll be able to see us stripped down and working out. I plan to incorporate this same theme for the warmer months too. Because it’s nice to not have to go home and change to do errands after finishing at the gym.
Of course, this can be very different if you are doing a workout where you are very sweaty afterwards. Then you could use this idea of what to wear before your gym visit. I know I always only think to layer workout jackets over my workout gear, but why not regular clothes?
Keep reading to find out our rationale for wearing what we did over our fitness clothes. Even if you don’t have the same pieces, it could give you ideas from your own closet. This could also work with sneakers, if that’s what you wear to the gym. We had fun practicing a little yoga before these photos so we were barefoot, and thus could wear any footwear we wanted.
Jodie’s (50+) After Gym

Shorts: the Fifth (similar here)~~Vest: Aeropostale-thrifted (similar here)~~Boots: Impo (similar here)~~Scarf: (similar here)~~Purse: Charming Charlies (similar here)

Why I Wore This Outfit
I started with the idea that I wanted something to layer over my workout leggings. Ever since I first discovered the over the knee boots, I have embraced them for the fact that they are warmer. So I figured shorts and boots would be perfect.
Related post: How to style embroidered boots
The funny thing is I have worn these shorts more this winter than I ever have in all the summers, I’ve had them. Once I figured out that I could layer tights under them, I felt like they were a perfect winter item. And my workout leggings look just like tights only more opaque.
As for my vest, I wanted something warm yet easy to slip on. This vest was thrifted, and it’s a really thick one with a removable hood. I have worn it before on the blog, but I didn’t even realize you could take off the hood before this day of taking photos.
I added a scarf only because sometimes I am cold when I go out after my fitness time. Scarves are easy enough to throw in my purse if I don’t need it.
Nancy’s (70+) Outfit

Yoga Pants: (similar here)~~Vest: Janska (similar here)~~Jacket: (similar here)~~ Boots: Cliffs by White Mountain(similar here)~~Purse: Anne Klein (similar here)

Why Nancy Wore This Outfit
I’m glad Nancy wore her yoga pants that are more of a straight leg silhouette. Because even though she knows they are yoga pants, no one else would. They look like your normal black pants. And that’s the thing about what you pair with them. If she’d only kept on her workout jacket, then it’d be more obvious she just came from the gym.
However, even if she had worn tight leggings to our yoga practice, adding a longer vest or cardigan makes it feel more appropriate. I know most of us have heard that our rear should be covered in leggings and this vest does the trick.
Nancy did add another layer over her workout jacket and under the vest. Of course, this is an extra step, but depending on what you are doing and where you are going after the gym, this is very plausible.
As for her footwear, she opted for ankle boots. Most times at the end of your workout class, you want something easy to slip on, and many ankle boots are just that.
Charlotte’s (80+) Outfit

Skirt: NYCC-thrifted (similar here)~~Boots: purchased grey and then dyed navy(similar here)~~Sweater: Charter Club (similar here)~~Scarf: from Scotland (similar here)~~Purse: Express-thrifted (similar here)

Why Charlotte Wore This Outfit
Since my mom always loves wearing skirts, I thought that would be a great option for her. This one that she chose is a material that doesn’t wrinkle easily. Therefore, she could wear it to class, pull it off and throw it in her cubby or locker, and it’ll still look wonderful.
As the layer over her workout top, she just grabbed a cardigan. There’s really no reason to only wear workout jackets or sweatshirts to/from the gym.
Of course she added a scarf to her outfit too (the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree). I asked for no jewelry for this post, but you can see my mom has trouble with directions…ha ha! I figure most of us wouldn’t take the time to add in that extra. But if you feel naked without earrings, there’s no reason you can’t slip a pair into your purse to put on after class.
The boots are a pair that slip on with no zippers or closures. Yet they still look very stylish and she can walk easily in them.

Tips & Tricks
I had to include the photo with us even layering further with our winter coats below. We were laughing at how both mom and I grabbed our bright pink purses for this post. I swear we didn’t plan it.
My thinking was to have these outfits be appropriate for meeting friends for lunch or a little shopping after your gym session. Lately, I have been throwing on my bright wool coat over my stretch class outfit for running an errand afterwards. It’s easy because it’s a long coat but I wouldn’t plan on removing it in public except for in our class.
To test out this experiment for styling an after gym outfit, we did go out to eat in these looks. It only took us maybe 5 minutes to get dressed after our yoga. It certainly helps that we had worn these pieces over the workout wear in the first place, so it was just a matter of putting them back on.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this idea. I can see how it wouldn’t work for some days, yet it’s not as crazy as it sounds.

The Facts
I’d also like to extend an invitation for an event that Rob and I will be going to in the St. Louis area in April. It’s for the shoe company, Walking Cradles, that we worked with last year. If you are close by, we would be delighted to have you join us. Just email me (jodie@jtouchofstyle.com) so I can have Lisa from the company send you an invitation. It would be so wonderful to meet up with anyone that can make it.
If you aren’t in the area, keep your eyes peeled because there will be a virtual party too. With prizes and everything. So you can join us no matter what. I’ll get those details to you as soon as I have them.

I’m so glad to report that you should be able to Pin these images to your own Pinterest now. So I’d love it if you help me out and pin away!
Even if you wouldn’t consider purchasing your after gym outfit clothing online, it can be helpful to look through my links to see what is available! It certainly doesn’t hurt my feelings, if you click on them but don’t like them. Just so you know, one of the ways I make money from this blog is through these linked items.
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