Styling a Leopard Print Outfit as Inspiration from the Movie

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Can older women wear a leopard print outfit?

Styling a Leopard Print Outfit as Inspiration from the Movie

A leopard print outfit is such a great way to add some “wild” to your day. My mom chose this as inspiration from the movie we were seeing at the drive in which was Madagascar. Just like Lesley was inspired by Grease, and I chose something comfy for the event.

Quote of the day: “I refuse to find myself at 80 years old realizing that I spent the majority of my time on earth worrying about how my ass looks in jeans.” Dr. Colleen Reichmann

The person who wrote this quote isn’t 80 yet. However, I couldn’t agree more that the idea should be relatable to all of us. So many times we angst over the “correct” way to wear something or the perfect look. I believe we should want to look our best, yet let’s have FUN and ENJOY the process too.

So as I like to point out, let’s give up the idea of looking any kind of “er” when you put together an outfit. The biggest factor should be does it make you smile and give others a peek into your personality.

Styling a Leopard Print Outfit

White and leopard print outfit

Pants: Peck & Peck-thrifted ~~ Top: Liz Claiborne~~Cami: Ricco ~~ Shoes: Walking Cradles c/o ~~ Necklace: ~~ Earrings: ~~ Purse: Nicole Miller-thrifted

Older woman and leopard print outfit

If you think about how this leopard print outfit describes my mom, Charlotte, I wonder what you would say? I would say that my mom has always been so stylish with a little bit of rebel in her.
She brought me up to be an independent woman and has always believed woman are capable of anything. Yet she wasn’t a huge rebel with style because she was brought up with many style rules. In fact, I might say that she has evolved lately since she’s wearing 3 leopard pieces!

This leopard print outfit was inspired by the “animal” movie we saw (Madagascar) so my mom grabbed this animal print top which was purchased back in the 1990’s. Since it’s lower cut in the “v”, she added a cami. We’ve discussed different ways to wear camisoles on the blog to make them versatile.

Insider tip: My mom adds lingerie straps to many of her tops to keep her bra straps from showing.

Accessories as the Icing

My mom has many of these collar necklaces in gold. It’s something that made me realize we tend to buy the same thing over and over. Why? Because you like something so you are drawn to it at the store. I’m sure mom and I are not the only ones that come home with something and realize we already have one like it in our closet!

Insider tip: That’s why it’s good to keep a list with you of the things you DON’T have in your closet. I keep it as a note in my phone, and try to look at it before I go in the stores. Or when I’m on the computer online shopping.

As for the earrings, these are a pair from the 1970’s that fit inside the ear (I’ve learned these are called ear cuffs). And the best thing is they still fit even with her hearing aids. For older women with arthritic fingers, this style can be such a easier way to add some bling. I wrote a post about jewelry that is better for women with arthritis since it affects many of us.

I thought these ear cuffs are an interesting concept, so I found more in case you’re interested.

Ageless leopard print outfit

White Pants

White pants are the epitome of spring and summer, and it’s a great way to lighten up any outfit. I know many women still worry about wearing white pants because they get dirty. My mother’s response to that is the fact, they are easy to bleach since they are white.
Granted, my response is to buy more of the Chico’s No Stain Denim (especially when they go on sale). If you don’t believe the claims, I even tested it out. No, I’m not an ambassador for Chicos, I just thought my audience would appreciate the knowledge.

And it looks like other brands are coming up with the same idea of stain repellent. I haven’t tried these other brands but I bet they work the same way.

Comfy leopard loafers

Leopard Loafers

Leopard shoes are such an easy way to add in the print to an outfit. In fact, we’ve showcased that on the blog in the past. The spring trends are making loafers stylish again, which I think is a plus for us older women. This style of shoe is easy to wear and walk in for women of any age.
Yet even when you talk leopard shoes, there are SO many varieties. Just like with my leopard sandals which are much more muted.

Insider tip: I have a discount code, JODIE15, for your first purchase of Walking Cradles since I am an ambassador for the brand. I am very selective of the brands I work with, and this is one of my favorites.

When a leopard print outfit is inspired by the movies
Leopard print outfit

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo

My Goal

Thank you for visiting my space on the internet. I like to showcase how it’s never too late to look great for women of any age, size or working with any budget.
I feel I’m here to help move beyond the fashion rules of yesterday and evolve. Style and clothes are made to give you joy. Not cause us stress because we are worried about what other’s think.

My hope is that you get ideas and inspirations from Charlotte, Lesley and myself. It’s not about copying what we wear, but about using what you already have and updating items along the way.
Most of all it’s getting us to think differently and dare I say, have fun?


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