Styling a Scarf on the Waist
Wearing your scarf on the waist as a belt is another easy way to use these fabulous accessories in different ways. Granted, I hear a lot of you already grumbling that you couldn’t do this because of your size. And I just want to say “Nonsense” (with a capital N no less).
Quote of the day: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford
Which brings me back to that nonsense. Size has NOTHING to do with looking and feeling great about yourself. I realize that society has pushed that on us for too long. But the tides are finally changing, and especially if you are on Instagram, then you’ll know what I mean. There are plenty of woman ALL sizes showing their fabulous fashion. And if you need a reminder, then reread my post on Perfectly Imperfect.
This week was all about how you could still wear your scarves in the warmer months. I have to admit that my first idea was to wear my scarf on my head. More about that below, but even if you don’t like either of my options, there is always the way Lesley wore it or how my mom wore her scarf. Along with a run down of other ways the three of us have worn scarves before.
Dress: Bordeaux-thrifted ~~Shoes: Impo ~~Scarf: Peach c/o~~Wrap: Peach c/o ~~ Purse: thrifted
Jodie and a Scarf on the Waist
Like I said, my original thought was to wear my scarf in my hair. That’s why I grabbed this scarf because it’s cotton. I learned from my hair stylist recently that the silky ones won’t stay in my hair as easily.
However, when I tried on this dress, I thought the scarf would be a wonderful addition around the waist. Granted I didn’t keep it rolled up like I was going to if I had worn it in my hair. Instead I flattened it out in a triangle so you could see the print so much better.
As a reminder, I am a Peach ambassador meaning I am able to try out a couple of pieces of clothing every season to showcase for you. And if you order through my link, I get a commission. The brand Peach is a little like Tupperware. They both sell through individuals and are a small company.
While I don’t have a discount code to share with you (yet), they always have some items on sale. Both this scarf and the yellow ruana wrapped around my purse are items I wear a lot. In fact, you saw the ruana as something I took to NYC recently. Neither are in stock right now, but I bet the ruana comes back in other colors again next season, because it was so popular.
This Dress
This dress is a recent purchase from Goodwill here in Arizona. There is a National Thrift Day (isn’t there a day for everything now?), and it happened to fall on the Saturday after we landed in our new town. Since our furniture and stuff wasn’t delivered yet, we didn’t have much to do. So Lesley, mom, Rob and I attended some demonstrations at our local Goodwill.
You may laugh if I say that I could use some more dresses because it’s not like I don’t have a few. Yet, I think these knit ones are great for not only dressing up, but casual days too. In fact the day after I bought this, I wore it with sneakers for running errands.
My History of Scarves
Of course you realize that the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree. So with my mom being such a lover of scarves, how could I not be? But truthfully, it really hasn’t been until I retired that I’ve gotten into the habit of wearing my scarves. Granted, the bigger ones would have gotten in the way when I was treating patients.
One thing that makes me wear scarves more now is how I organize them which I’ve showcased on the blog a long time ago. This organizer, from Amazon is my favorite way to have them front and center in my room. In fact, that’s what my mom uses too for her scarf storage that I showed on Instagram.
Photo credit: Rob Filogomo
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