Styling White Pants and a Red Top for Any Day
Styling white pants with a red top can certainly work for a holiday theme. Yet I certainly think this color combination is great for any day too.
Quote of the day: “Character is simply habit long continued.” Plutarch
The idea of red and white came through our ageless style group; however I wanted to take it a step further by making sure the three of us still kept our individuality. So Nancy paired her red and white with black, while I adding in another color. And mom? She’s happy in her matchy matchy look! I also added in many more red and white ideas in the final post.
Now one more reminder if you are looking at these photos and are thinking the outfits are more fall like than summer. We took these photos June 22 and it was only 50 degrees outside. In fact the mountains around us had a snowfall. That’s how Colorado can be, ugh!

Charlotte’s Wearing
Pants: XOXO ~~Cardigan: Nygard~~Top: Ralph Lauren-thrifted~~Shoes: Chaps~~Scarf: Mom made it~~Earrings: ~~ Purse: Kellie & Katie
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Matching with white pants, red top
I love the quote above yet there’s part of it I disagree with also. Doing the same thing over and over is good, but can also become a rut.
For example, my mom absolutely loves to match everything in her outfits. And I LOVE that she enjoys fashion and style still. I do think it’s good to take pride in our appearance for us and for inspiration to others. Yet I also love to push us out of our comfort zones at times, so while she was happy to match everything today, I’m glad she experimented last week with a contrasting shoe color.
That’s the best thing about trying new things in fashion and style…it’s not permanent, and it’s easy.

Floral Purse
So what do you do when the temperatures aren’t coinciding with the calendar? You add in a floral print, right? Seriously I just love a floral purse especially in the summer time.
Yet Nancy has a dark floral purse that would easily transition to the colder months too. So that’s one way to try to keep the outfit fun.
My mom bought this purse at DSW. While I love DSW for their shoes too, they also have a wonderful selection of purses. And don’t forget, you can drop off your used shoes to DSW and they go for a good cause AND you get reward points to use on new items. No this isn’t sponsored, it’s just a great way to help out a good cause and save money at the same time.

As per almost every outfit, my mom made something in this look. For this outfit, it’s the scarf. My mom is the queen of reusing pieces of fabric like we’ve shown on the blog before. She said that this fabric must have been from something she shortened for someone else. Because she doesn’t have any clothing in this print.
That’s one of her secrets. When she shortens skirts especially, she will keep the leftover material and make it into a scarf. Granted most summer days are too warm for a scarf. But that’s when I love tying them to a solid colored purse instead.

It’s hard to see in the up close photo above, but try to look at some of the other photos to see my mom’s earrings. She bought these high heel looking earrings at the Dior exhibit at our Denver Art Museum.
The best part is they are wood material so are very lightweight. That’s what I love about many of the statement earrings right now. Even though they are big, they aren’t heavy.
The other accessory you don’t see that well is the white button stud holding the cardigan together. It’s a great way to keep your pieces closed when you want. My mom found this one at our local boutique, Trendz N Trinkets, a couple of years ago. Yet Amazon has the same concept, and they can be used for scarves too.

Red Shoes
I will say that red shoes are such a great pop of color for almost any outfit. Four years ago we showcased many ways to wear the same red shoes. And while you may think that they are too bright and out there, let me remind you that they are only about 1/10 of an outfit.
So I think you should try out a pair of red shoes whether they be summer sandals or a pair you can wear all year long.

My mom found this cardigan for such a fabulous deal at Dillards for only $12. I know some women shy away from a bright color like red, so I would think this would be the best way to experiment with it. Look for a great deal on an item that you wouldn’t normally wear. Then it’s not as much a regret if you end up not liking it.
And if you do end up loving the piece? Then you can brag about the great deal you got!

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo
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