The Color Yellow for the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s: Alongside the Cool Colors
For the last part in this sequence, I’m pairing the exact same yellow elements from the first two segments with the cool colors. These are considered the complimentary colors of yellow because they are located opposite on the color wheel (besides who doesn’t want to be complimented…ha ha).
Accordingly, this mix creates a high contrast which I think is a wonderfully vibrant look . Since the blues, greens and purples are thought of as serene colors, adding this pop of yellow can liven up the group. The other combinations in this series were yellow & neutrals (here) and yellow & warm colors (here).
Quote of the day: “Never hope for it more than you work for it.” post on Michelle William’s Facebook wall

50’s Outfit (skirt): I really love the color blue (I am my mother’s child)! Besides it’s a great way for me to show off one of my favorite pairs of shoes!
Skirt: Loft (similar here)~~Blazer: H & M (similar here)~~Sweater under: Outback Red (similar here)~~Shoes: J. Renee (similar here or here)~~Pin: (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here or here)~~Bracelet: (similar here)

60’s Outfit (shirt): Since the olive green jacket is on the darker side, the yellow adds some lightness to the medley. Leaving the jacket unbuttoned is a great way to show off the snippet of color and allow greater movement!
Shirt: Axcess (similar here)~~Jacket: JM Collection (similar here)~~Jeans: Chicos (similar here)~~Booties: Impo (similar here)~~Necklace: (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)

70’s Outfit (sweater): I had my mom wear the sweater backwards which is an alternative way to cover up the decolletage area. The shoes are cute, but she’s giving them away because they hurt. Don’t you hate it when you buy a pair, and they feel fine in the store, but then when you actually wear them–it’s a whole different story?
Sweater: (similar here)~~Sweater coat: American Knitworks (similar here)~~Jeans: Dana Buchman (similar here)~~Shoes: Merona (similar here)~~Necklace: Dillards (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)
Thanks for visiting my styling blog! Now that you’ve seen some examples of combinations with the color yellow, which combo is your fave?
Some photography by Kari Strand Photography