Thrifting Online with thredUP

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thredUP for online thrifting

Thrifting Online with thredUP

Quote of the day: “Positive anything is better than negative thinking.” Anonymous

Getting a great deal is an idea that was drilled into me at a young age. In fact, my mother was just saying that most of her items are either thrifted, bought on sale, gifted or hand made by herself. And if you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ll have noticed that I’ve been co-hosting with the #thriftedchicstylechallenge for the last couple of months.

In fact the jumpsuit that I wore recently was purchased off of thredUP about a year ago. After posting that outfit, I received a comment from the company asking if they could share the look. That made me think that I should reach out to them. And thus here we are with some great items from the company and a fantastic deal for the first 50 readers to use it. Use the code TOUCHOFSTYLE. It gives 50% off entire orders to the first 50 users, and is valid till the end of this November. Talk about a great black Friday deal!

Jodie’s (50+) Outfit: So what items did I chose from thredUP? I found a fun white, fur vest and bright pink purse.

Of course since thredUp only sells items that are preloved, you can’t find the exact item I’m wearing. But really, that’s usually the case with my blog. Many of the clothes I showcase are from our closets and not in the stores at the moment. But there are usually similar items somewhere, somehow. And that’s true with online thrifting also.

So, if you happen to be looking for other vests, then here’s your chance to check out thredUP’s selection. I have to admit, that I vacillated between this one that I purchased and a puffer style one. But the faux fur won out.

Women 50+ and thredUP

The pink purse was chosen because the last couple of times that I’ve switched out my purse, I thought to myself I need a pink purse. Now we all know that the word “need” is not true. But I thought many of my outfits could have used a pink purse. And since I’ve finally organized my purses (which you’ll see next month), there’s enough room for a couple more.

Shockingly enough (or not), thredUP has quite a selection of purses. Here are the clutches, but the whole handbag selection is amazing! I ended up choosing this one because it had a strap and yet I could still carry it as a clutch. I love that kind of versatility.

How to make fun outfits with thredUP

There are definitely standards when thredUP accepts items. They only accept just like new and are inspected very well.

In addition, not every piece is already worn. There are many items that still have their tags on them. Like my white vest. That’s not why I picked it, but it did make me think that at least the white wouldn’t have stains on it. And then when I end up getting it all dirty,  I know that I can dye it like I have other items in the past.

Fur vest from thredUP

I don’t know how much you know about thredUP and their policies. I’ve used them a couple of times in the past to send clothes to them for “consignment.” They also have a return policy if your items don’t fit or you don’t like them. I’ve never personally sent anything back, but it’s nice to know you could.

thredUP and older women

Jeans: Cabi-thrifted (similar here)~~Vest: Papaya c/o thredUP (similar here)~~Top: Gap (similar here)~~Shoes: Made for me by Jude-Merona (similar here)~~Necklace: Tamera Beardsley-I won it (here)~~Scarf: I knitted it (similar here)~~Purse: c/o thredUp (similar here)

Nancy’s (60+) Outfit: Nancy chose this jacket she’s wearing along with the scarf too from thredUP.

If you’ve never looked at the thredUP site before, it can be quite time consuming. There are many items and many sizes to choose from.

So if you have a specific item in mind,  then the best thing is to search for it, and you can narrow your search by size. Nancy had told me she wanted more casual jackets in her wardrobe. You can easily ask for certain styles, brands, colors or even a price range when you’re looking. This tan print jacket is one of the items she received.

thredUP for women over 60

Nancy actually just lost her animal print scarf when we were in Seattle. Therefore, what a perfect opportunity to replace it. Scarves are such a fabulous accessory for these colder months, and Nancy’s looked great with her new jacket. It really wasn’t planned that we would wear our new items from thredUP all in one outfit, but it just happened that we could.

Wearing pieces from thredUP

If you are looking for more blogs to read about clothing items, then thredUP has you covered in that department also.

Here’s my little secret of how to search the site. As you are looking at items, make sure you click the heart in the lower right hand corner of any item that catches your attention. That way it’ll be saved in your favorites, so you can then look at them all at once to compare and decide what you want.

You have to realize that since these are unique items, so if you like it, you should buy it right away.

Great deals with thredUP

This J. Jill jacket was new, with the tags attached. It has many wonderful details including the ties in the back, and the pockets on the front. This brand is one of the favorites on thredUP, so you’d be able to find quite a few items if you’re a fan.

Or if you are searching for coats, you’ll find some wonderful selections on the thredUP site.

thredUP to save money

Jeans: Chaps (similar here)~~Jacket: J.Jill c/o thredUP (similar here)~~Top: (similar here)~~Boots: Jambu (here)~~Scarf: c/o thredUp(similar here)

Charlotte’s (70+) Outfit: For my mom’s two pieces from thredUP, she chose an orange top, and a sheepskin vest.

Actually, I have to tell on her, and say her first choice was a black & white plaid skirt. But you have to understand. I’ve seen her closet, and she has at least 2 other plaid skirts that weren’t very different from the one she picked. So I asked her to look for something else. And she chose this vest whcih is fabulous!!

thredUP for Women over 70

I feel like tops are probably the most common item you can find while searching thredUP’s site. And for those of us who love to layer, they really work with everything. Now I should tell you that my mom ended up shortening the sleeves on this top. If you can do your own alterations, then ordering from online sites is not quite as scary.

Women 70+ using thredUP

Fall fashion changes from year to year, but there are some staples that come back all of the time.

And especially if you feel like you want to try out some of the trends that you don’t already have in your closet, it’s a great way to save some money in the meantime.

One of the trendier stores that you may consider for the younger women only, is Forever 21. And that’s the brand of my mom’s top that she chose. They seem to have some items for women of any age if you look close enough. And if you’ve ever been in the Forever 21 store, then you know it can be overwhelming. So why not check thredUP for some of their items?

thredUP for thrifting online

Another couple of fun facts about my mom’s outfit is that we safety pinned the front sides together. You can see in the photo above how well the vest fits, but the front layers almost seemed overpowering when flapping around. This could easily be remedied with velcro, or a snap too. I know for one of my friends, I also knitted a frog closure and attached a button on the other side.

So if you do get a clothing item that doesn’t seem to be working, there could be fixes for it!!

Great pieces with thredUP

Pants: Fabrizio Gianni c/o (similar here)~~Vest: c/o thredUP (similar here)~~Top: Forever 21 c/o thredUP (similar here)~~Shoes: (similar here)~~Pin: thrifted (similar here)~~Bracelet: (similar here)

The three of us each received 2 items from thredUP complimentary, but I was not paid to write this post. However, you can benefit with an incredible deal! Use the code TOUCHOFSTYLE. It gives 50% off entire orders to the first 50 users, and is valid till the end of this November.

Thanks to one and all of you for your support. It means more than you know!

The Facts

Even if you wouldn’t consider purchasing your clothing online, it can be helpful to look through my links to see what is available! It certainly doesn’t hurt my feelings, if you click on them but don’t like them. Just so you know, one of the ways I make money from this blog is through these linked items.

Keeping in Touch

Are you registered for my email reminders to let you know when a post goes live? I’d certainly love it if you take the time to sign up and make sure all your friends sign up too!! There are other ways to follow my blog. Facebook readers can see my posts by liking my page. Or my Pinterest page has all of our outfits in a nutshell! Then there’s also Instagram. I’m really trying to grow this platform, so if you’re on it, I’d appreciate the follow!

And if you’re new to the party, you can always see our outfits organized by categories, here. Don’t forget to check out the deals & discounts too, on this page.

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