Our Where Bloggers Live prompt for the month is the 10 things I’m grateful for. However, being the rouge that I am, I didn’t want to just list the things I’m grateful for. Instead, I wanted to share how I’ve been inspired by women in this life journey.
10 women to be exact. Not just famous women, but also ordinary women just like you and me.
So join me as I share them below.
Quote of the day: “We must turn to each other and not on each other.” Jesse Jackson (funny how the quote I used for today is not inspired by women. Yet it goes to show how our chromosomes shouldn’t influence everything.)
I have been a huge fan of quotes and quips for as long as I can remember. Maybe it’s because I’m short and little, and realize that good things come in small packages, haha.
It is one reason I purchase these motivational daily calendars. And that’s how I’ve discovered some of these inspired by women list.
Famous women certainly get more publicity, but I believe that everyday women can be just as influential.
These everyday women that I’m mentioning I know through social media. That reminds me that even though there are disadvantages to social media, there are also wonderful advantages (which I’ve written about in the past).
Without further ado, let me share my gratitude for this inspired by women list. BTW, even though I share a favorite quote by many of them, it was hard to choose a favorite because many of them speak to me.
Inspired By Women-The 10 I’m Most Grateful For
1-Eleanor Roosevelt–It all started with a plaque I used to have in my dental office that said, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Then we watched a documentary about Franklin Roosevelt and I was intrigued with Eleanor. She was quite the force to be reckoned with, but it seems like she didn’t get a lot of recognition. I feel like her quotes always resonate with me.
Favorite quote: “Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says, ‘It can’t be done.”
2-Helen Mirren–Here’s a woman who I’ve talked about many times on this blog (seen here as my style icon). Not only is she someone I admire in her style choices, but her infamous interview when she was 30 had my heart. I wish I had such an attitude when I was younger. She knows who she is, and is never apologetic for it.
Favorite quote: “Being powerful is so much more interesting than being beautiful”
3-Mother Teresa— I’ve been a big fan of Mother Teresa ever since I bought a framed saying of hers about 15 years ago (which is still hanging in my laundry room called “Do It Anyway”). Even though I’m not Catholic, her views about love and helping others are something we can all strive to do. Then after watching one of her documentaries, Mother Teresa-No Greater Love, it reminded me of what an incredible woman she was. And how I should think.
Favorite quote: “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
4-Maya Angelou–I only discovered Maya because of one of her quotes in the daily calendars that I always buy. I can’t even remember which quote it was, but it inspired me to research who she was and add her to my Inspired by Women list. It makes sense that her quotes are powerful since she was a poet and writer by trade. Words are magic in her hands, and the feeling behind them makes a difference.
Favorite quote: “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
5-Dr. Gabrielle Lyon--You probably don’t know her name. I didn’t until I heard this podcast/video. She is a doctor who specializes in older patients, and recently published the book, “Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well.”
If it’s one thing that tickles my fancy, it’s the idea that aging is a good thing. But we only consider it good if we feel good. To me, that’s one of the best goals about how we live. So I’m constantly searching for new ideas to incorporate into my life.
Since Rob and I have moved to Arizona, exercise has been on the back burner. Yet as Dr. Lyon states, our skeletal system is the biggest “organ” in our body. Which means it makes sense that it contributes to almost everything.
Facts: Jodie’s Touch of Style is supported by my readers. I partner with affiliate platforms where commission may be earned based on your purchases. If you decide to buy anything I’ve promoted, I appreciate you using my link. These links help bloggers like me to fund the content that we provide, plus it tells companies that blogging marketing works. Thank you for your ongoing support.
6-Brenee Brown–I started reading Brenee Brown’s books because of woman #7. Her insights about how we live and communicate with others were more than inspiring. It was groundbreaking. In fact, I could see a couple of episodes of the miniseries Atlas of the Heart (you can see a couple of the clips even if you don’t have HBO) when we were on the plane for our Mediterranean trip.
I loved it so much that I am reading the book now. Spoiler alert: it’s fabulous.
It talks about the meaning of human language and how most of us only use 3 emotions when sharing how we feel. Yet how we talk about our emotions is a huge part of communication that breaks down if we only use sad, happy, and angry.
Favorite quote: “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Powerful, eh?
7-Catherine O’Connell–Catherine is someone I can call a personal friend and definitely had to be on my Inspired by Women list. On social media, she seems like one of those larger-than-life women, but in real life, she is vulnerable and kind. In fact, she started her FB group, Forever Fierce: Midlife Matters (join it here) to inspire and get inspiration from all women in midlife. Her blog is full of great realizations including how to find friends at midlife as well as realizing that Midlife is not a crisis.
Favorite quote: “Don’t deny your age. Defy your age.”
8-Wise Woman Aging–Okay so she has a name. It’s Sandra and I’ve shared her Instagram posts many times in my emails. Sure, she loves to dress up and look great, but her insights about either aging or clothing are spot on. For instance, this one is about the era in which we grew up.
Favorite quote: “NEVER ASSUME I CAN’T WEAR CERTAIN THINGS at my age.” You can see why I like her.
9-Glucose Goddess–Just like with #5, I am a huge advocate of healthy living. It’s the backbone of being happy in my opinion so I was enthralled with Jessie’s way of eating that can change how your body processes the glucose spikes. Everyone has glucose spikes, but if we can tame them our bodies will function so much better. Once I read her Glucose Goddess book, I realized how I was able to give up sugar after having been a sugar addict (as I shared here).
Not only does she talk about the methods she uses, but she also shows a glucose chart about how your body responds. She’s also realistic about eating sugar and has tricks that can help because it’s not like we are NEVER going to eat it.
10-All of You–Maybe it’s cheesy to include this in my grateful list of 10- inspired by women. But it’s true. Where would I be without you reading my articles and being part of this journey?
When I was a dentist, I lived by the motto that my patients were the most important aspect of my practice. Without them, how could I help others? And it’s no different as a blogger.
It’s why I sincerely appreciate any support and hope I can inspire you in any way along our journey of life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Where Bloggers Live
What is Where Bloggers Live? It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and hear all about the personal backstories and interesting details? Go take a gander at everyone else’s post about gratitude.
FYI, we don’t all post at the same time since we all have different schedules and live in different parts of the country
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Taking time off: Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own
The Series
We’ve been doing this fun series for a long time as you can see by the prompts below. These are only from the last year or so. Feel free to visit any that might strike your fancy.
The Truth About How I Blog
A Day in the Life-Field Trip
Food: My 2 Favorite Gluten-Free Breakfast Options
Jewelry Organization
Favorite Bloggers
What’s in my Kitchen Pantry
My Favorite Website(s)
A Day in the Life: Weekend
Medicine Cabinet
Art Collection
Favorite Kitchen Appliances
If You Could Time Travel
What’s in my Suitcase (When it’s Empty)
My Hair Journey
Gratitude: Inspired by Women
You should definitely sign up for the emails below. Besides the free eBook, my email family gets personal tidbits of what’s going on in my life along with other happenings, sales, information, giveaways, extra photos, and interesting articles.
Thank you
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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.
It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.