Tweed Jacket for the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s: The Dressy Version
Quote of the day: “There is nothing interesting about looking perfect-you lose the point. You want what you’re wearing to say something about you, about who you are.” Emma Watson
I realize that the tweed jacket is probably one of the last items of clothing you’d reach for when getting dressed up for a special event. But, who knows, maybe it could add an unusual element to the outfit or even bring in that dichotomy aspect! Besides, if it’s a challenge, I’m all for it! Of course I put us all in a dress or skirt and by all means, we pulled out our boots (it may be getting lighter outside, but the temperature can still be brisk). These exact same jackets saw a day at the office (here) and a day running errands (here).
50’s Tweed Jacket: I’m still loving my OTK boots (I did an entire post on them here)! To me, they are the cat’s meow at keeping me warm!
Jacket: Mom made it (similar here)~~Dress: Bichon (similar here) ~~ Boots: Betseyville (here)~~Necklace: (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)~~Bracelet: (similar here)
60’s Tweed Jacket: Nancy’s jacket has so many wonderful colors in it (I know, I’ve said that before—but aren’t they terrific?) that I thought I’d showcase it against the blue dress!
Jacket: Coldwater Creek (similar here or here)~~Dress: Evan Picone (similar here)~~Boots: (similar here)~~Necklace: (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)
70’s Tweed Jacket: Mom had to make a couple alterations to the jacket for a better fit! And aren’t the colors in her tweed pretty, too?
Jacket: Liz Claiborne-thrifted (similar here)~~Skirt: (similar here)~~Top (it’s actually a dickey): Dana Buchman (similar here)~~Boots: 9 West (similar here)~~Pin: (similar here)~~Earrings: (similar here)
Thanks to you all! Links to #iwillwearwhatilike, Classy Monday, Visible Monday, Start the Week Stylish, Over the Moon, Sophisticated Style, 52 Pick Me Up (Sapphire), Personal Style & Shoe and Tell parties!
Other tweed that might be more to your liking (limited sizes left on that Land’s End dress—but isn’t it pretty?):