That Last Bit
My husband makes fun of me when I do this to my creams and lotions! But, in my defense, I hate to waste any product….especially if I like it.
So I purchased the above spatula (here) many years ago after seeing it on Shark Tank. I thought it would be the holy grail for the last little bit of my cosmetics. I have to admit, it’s okay but even it doesn’t fit in everything and has it’s limitations. But it works wonderfully in conjunction with cutting the containers in half.
Of course, you can only cut the plastic containers in half to scoop out the extra goods. As an experienced thrifter, let me give one tip in this matter. When you’re cutting the package, you really want to leave enough of the packaging at both ends so you are able to tuck them into each other. This makes it so the product doesn’t dry out between uses. I’ve accidentally cut the package too close to the end, and it won’t stay together and I lost the last bits—-so take my advice—the middle is usually a great place for the scissors.
Here’s a close up of my lip gloss in case you couldn’t see it well in the above photo:
Are you crazy like me? How do you get the last little bit? Linking up with Senior Salon
Here’s to a good week!! We’ll be styling fur (faux that is) on the blog this week!