What to Wear in Arizona for the Winter

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Print mixing with a scarf

What to Wear in Arizona for the Winter

Lesley’s showing us what to wear in Arizona for the winter months. In fact, she even included what she would have worn in Denver below.

Quote of the day: “As we age, we’re consumed with how many parts of our body we feel like we have to cover up, but a few don’t need to be covered. Elongating the leg with a cropped pant is flattering and sexy, and the ankle doesn’t tend to show age.” Lauren Rothman, author of Style Bible

I had to include this quote since the ankle and cropped pants are everywhere now. Lesley’s outfit is basically the in between of Charlotte’s and my outfit. Because when it’s warmer outside, it’s nice to have a little air conditioning on some part of your body. And don’t forget to check out where we were for these photos.

Speaking of what to wear because of the weather, I’d also love for you to check out my friend, Nicole. Nicole blogs over at High Latitude Style because she lives in Alaska. Talk about having to dress in layers in the winter. We have been following each other for years, and this girl knows how to stay warm yet stylish.

In fact, Nicole has authored a book called How to Dress for Success in Midlife. Not only does she showcase outfits, she has also discussed many stories and interesting things about living in Arizona. It’s always a fun read. Did you know that Nicole wore a bikini when it was MINUS 40 degrees and has the photos to prove it? Craziness!!

Lesley on What to Wear in Arizona

Pants: Amalfi~~ Cardigan: Lauren~~ Top: J.Jill ~~ Shoes: Walking Cradles c/o ~~ Scarf: ~~ Purse: Maruca

Above is her outfit that was put together after she figured out what she would wear in Colorado below.

Can you Still Layer in Arizona?

Remembering what to wear in winter

Of course we still layer. Just with much lighter weight pieces. This is how Lesley would have bundled up for a Denver day. Each piece is basically the same except for the material type. For instance her scarf for Denver is heavy wool, and her scarf for Arizona is silk.

She may not have worn gloves but all the other pieces are there.

Pink Cardigan

Bright Colors are not Only for Young Girls

When I asked Lesley how her style has changed since moving to AZ not quite a year ago, she said that the colors haven’t changed. She still wears bright jewel tones and you can see why.

The thing that has changed is items are shorter. Shorter skirts, capris and even more skirts. Along with the fact that she feels a wicked delight when she hears about a snow storm in Denver. Lesley told me I didn’t have to include that part, but I feel the same way. That’s not very nice of us, is it??

Print Mixing Done Right

Black ankle pants and bright sweater

Print mixing is one of those things that can seem daunting. However, it can be a fun way to challenge you to put together outfits differently. A couple of years ago all three of us experimented with using a scarf as a second print in the outfit. The difference was that we wore print pants and so the prints weren’t touching.

I think Lesley shows a fabulous way to wear the two prints right next to each other. Start with a black and white piece and then add in a scarf that has black and another color. The addition of the pink cardigan makes it all tie together perfectly.

Even Charlotte is putting together more than one print in an outfit on her own. Recently she wore lots of polka dots in three different items.

Do You Recognize These Shoes?

Walking cradles loafers

These are the Walking Cradles loafers that we showcased earlier this fall. If you’re wondering why Lesley wears them so much (because she also changed into them in this post for the winter version), it’s because they really are comfortable.

So comfy that she bought the navy pair of these loafers during one of Walking Cradle’s sale events. I don’t ask her to wear them, but I know for myself, finding great shoes that feel good is so important when we are walking around all day.

Walking Cradles is not the only shoe company that is focused on comfort and style. It’s nice that brands are working on this. I know for myself, it makes a huge difference.

Other Essentials of What to Wear in Arizona

Pink and black

You can see that Lesley is carrying her head covering. She brought a visor for the day too. While I still believe in sunscreen, it’s always nice to have our faces shaded with a hat too. There are some fun visors if you don’t love wearing a full hat.

The other big essential that Lesley is so good about is carrying her water. You can see it sticking out of her purse. I remember when bottled water was first being sold, and we laughed at who was going to buy that?

What to wear in Arizona for a woman over 60

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo

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I know I say thank you all the time, but I really mean it. If you are a blogger, then you know all the work that goes into everything. Even though it is work, it’s been such a joy to do this. And then to have others appreciate it too, just makes me SO happy.

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