What's in my suitcase when it's empty

What’s In My Suitcase When It’s Empty: Where Bloggers Live

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I love my Where Bloggers Live group of women because Bettye comes up with the most interesting topics to discuss. She just moved to Korea, so I’m sure the idea of “what’s in my suitcase” is front and center for her.
Ever since Rob and I married about 20 years ago, we have traveled to many, many places. Because of that, I wanted to share what’s in my suitcase when it’s empty. (For those of you who are literal, then you might say there’s only air in it when it’s empty, haha).

Quote of the day: “Mental toughness is often portrayed as determination and persistence, but it can also be flexibility and adaptability.
-I can be happy anywhere.
-I can work with what I have.
-I can have a good day with anyone.
You are tough when your mood is not dependent on your conditions.” James Clear

I thought the quote was perfect for the idea of what’s in my suitcase. Because how many of us stress about what to pack for a trip? And then beat ourselves up if we took things and didn’t wear them.
It’s truly silly. There are no trophies for packing and wearing everything.
You take things to be prepared and if they don’t see the light of day, who cares? Once I figured this out, it was very freeing.

But there are certain items that can make your trip easier, and to make sure that I don’t forget them, I have learned to store them in my suitcase. So when I go to pack it, they are already there.
I will share more below about what’s in my suitcase when it’s empty, but suffice it to say, my suitcase is partially full before I even get ready for my trip.

BTW, my friend sent me this humorous video about the difference in packing when you’re 20 vs. 40 years old.

If, by chance, you are looking for clothing ideas for travel, there is no shortage of those articles on my site.

Printed Packing List

The first thing that I consider essential and is part of what’s in my suitcase is my packing list. Printed, on paper, the old-fashioned way.
Granted everyone’s version of this packing list will be different since we all have different needs, but this can save you a TON of stress.

Insider tip: Create one of these with what you HAVE to have with you, and you’ll never forget things again. Do it now or you’ll forget.

I don’t take this with me on my trip. Once I’m packed, it hangs out at home until I unpack, and then I throw it in my suitcase for the next go around.

My Luggage

The post about what’s in my suitcase wouldn’t be complete without a small excerpt of the actual suitcase itself.
Since Rob and I travel so much, we know that our suitcase gets thrown around and abused a lot. We tend to buy a new one every couple of years during the Black Friday sales.

Personally, I love a hard-sided suitcase the best. And if you haven’t upgraded your suitcase in the last 10 years then you are missing out on the wheels that swivel and make walking next to your suitcase incredibly easy.

Insider tip: Sure it’s great to invest in a suitcase that will last a long time, but the problem is you miss out on all of the new upgrades that can make your life easier. That’s our theory behind getting new, less expensive suitcases more often.

Gone are the days when everyone had a black suitcase. This is good because you can find yours a lot easier when it’s more unique.
The other item that can set your suitcase apart is the fun luggage tags that are available. No surprise that I chose this red, high heel shoe luggage tag.

So let’s explore the other things that are in my suitcase before I even pack it.

What’s in My Suitcase: Packing Cubes

Packing cubes for travel

If you read anyone’s article about traveling and what to pack, you have heard about these packing cubes.
Truthfully, I didn’t understand how they could make a difference until my stepmom bought me some and I tried them out.

Everyone can give you the reasoning for how they keep you more organized and how you can fit more in a suitcase with them. But the proof is in the pudding.
Once you use them, you know. Don’t believe me? Then here’s a guy on YouTube that does a side by side comparison (at about 5.30 minutes in).

Other Bags and Holders

When you think about how to keep your other “stuff” organized, it’s in bags or holders.
I keep both my toiletry bag and makeup bag already full, so I can just grab and go.

1- This toiletry bag I’ve had for over 4 years and Rob even purchased the same one because it’s so good (granted he got it in a different color).

Insider tip: Any and all of those skincare samples, get put into my toiletry bag. I also try to find the travel versions of things I really like.

2- I prefer the soft-sided makeup bags and the other bag I use for extra toiletries that don’t fit in the toiletry bag. For my makeup, I keep it full and ready to go with products that are almost empty but I can still get more use out of them.

3- My jewelry organizer is also soft sided and rolls up to save space.

Extras for What’s in my Suitcase

Then there’s a couple of extras when you open my suitcase.

1- Who hasn’t forgotten an umbrella when traveling? Granted it’s on my packing list now, but I find it just as easy to store an extra one in my suitcase then it is ready to go. I love these extra small ones that take up less space in my suitcase.

2- I purchased this steamer to take with me on our Caribbean cruise as it was recommended by a friend. The plan was to keep it in my suitcase because I have a full sized steamer in the laundry room. However, it’s been the best steamer ever so I now keep it in my bedroom and use it weekly. Obviously, I need to buy another one to keep in my suitcase.

3- With my neck issues, I do travel with my own pillow. I used to have a very expensive travel, contour pillow but when it wore out, I decided to cut off the sides of my favorite Sutera contour pillow and use that instead. Of course, I did this after I bought another full size Sutera pillow for my bed.
There are a bunch of travel size contour pillows on Amazon that could be a ton better than hotel pillows (and cleaner).

Insider tip: I took a normal size pillow case and sewed it smaller for my travel pillow. Then I wash it when we get home from our trip.

Facts: Jodie’s Touch of Style is supported by my readers. I partner with affiliate platforms where commission may be earned based on your purchases. If you decide to buy anything I’ve promoted, I appreciate you using my link. These links help bloggers like me to fund the content that we provide, plus they tell companies that blogging marketing works. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Where Bloggers Live

What is Where Bloggers Live? It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and hear all about the personal backstories and interesting details? Go take a gander at everyone else’s what’s in my suitcase. This should be a good one.
FYI, we don’t all post at the same time since we all have different schedules and live in different parts of the country.

Where bloggers live

Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

The Series

We’ve been doing this fun series for a long time as you can see by the prompts below. These are only from just the last year or so. Feel free to visit any that might strike your fancy.

Favorite Piece of Furniture
Photo Album
Top 5 Favorite Movies
Memories of NYC Trips
Hairstyles from my Childhood
The Truth About How I Blog
A Day in the Life-Field Trip
Food: My 2 Favorite Gluten-Free Breakfast Options
Jewelry Organization
Favorite Bloggers
What’s in my Kitchen Pantry
My Favorite Website(s)
A Day in the Life: Weekend
Medicine Cabinet
Art Collection
Favorite Kitchen Appliances
If You Could Time Travel
What’s in my Suitcase (when it’s empty)

You should definitely sign up for the emails below. Besides the free eBook, my email family gets personal tidbits of what’s going on in my life along with other happenings, sales, information, giveaways, extra photos, and interesting articles.

What's in my suitcase when it's empty

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Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

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