When You’re Feeling Sick, This is What to Take

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When you're feeling sick, here's natural products for what to take

When You’re Feeling Sick, This is What to Take

Quote of the day: “In the coldest February, as in every other month in every other year, the best thing to hold on to in this world is each other.” Linda Ellerbee

And while I truly believe this quote, it also is a great way to share our germs. Not that I consider that a bad thing. Think of how boring it would be to live in a bubble where there aren’t any germs.

As a retired medical professional, I have many eastern and natural views regarding our health and wellness. I didn’t always think this way, but with my experiences and continued education, I believe our immune systems are one of the most important parts of our bodies.

So while this post isn’t about keeping our immune systems at their best, it is about what to take when you’re feeling sick. Because the reality is that everyone gets sick at some point. It’s a fact of life and I don’t believe that it’s just about being exposed to the germs. I believe that it’s how your immune system fights off those germs.

I used to describe it like there’s always this war going on in your body with many different battles taking place in different areas. The good guys can’t win over those pesky cold germs if they are spread too thin with fighting against gum disease, the cut on your foot along with not being replenished due to lack of sleep.

But I digress. (And don’t you love that our kitty, Monkey wanted in on the photos?)

As to the contents of this post, these are items we always have around. When you’re actually sick is not the funnest time to figure out what to take. And many of these items are what we have for when we travel since that’s when I tend to get run down. And while I used to take many OTC products, I have progressively moved to more natural items. I know this isn’t everyone’s preference. Yet our bodies are not made to absorb and handle so many of the chemicals around us.

When you're feeling sick, Thai go is what to take

Thai Go

I’ve talked about Thai Go in an earlier post on this blog. It was the “miracle drink” to help get rid of a strange red blob in my eye that lasted for many months. What is it?? It’s a drink chock full of anti oxidants. The main ingredient is Mangosteen fruit concentrate.

What are anti oxidants? They are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells. You’re probably familiar with vitamin C and E that do this also. Needless to say, we drink this almost every morning as a preventative part of our routine. Yet when we are feeling sick, we will add another shot at lunchtime. Beware, it does give you energy, so it’s not something I take at night.

The only bad thing about ordering this online, is you have to get 2 bottles at a time. Which is fine for us because we go through 2 a month. If you find a Nature’s Sunshine supplier in your area, that person might sell it by the individual bottle.

When you're feeling sick, VSC is what to take


So this is something else in our arsenal of supplements. We don’t take this on a regular basis, but only when we are feeling sick. It’s a product considered a viral immune formula and it supports the immune system.

Truthfully, I really have no idea how it works. It’s a combination of many plants and roots which is the origin of how medicine started. It’s one of those Chinese herbal formulas that may seem like a whole different language. Then again, have you tried reading the ingredients on the OTC drugs?

We happen to keep the liquid product at home now because Rob has issues with his esophagus. However, this product is also available in the concentrate capsules and the regular capsules.

When you're feeling sick, sinus rinse is what to take

Sinus Rinse

Now here’s a product that many of my patients used to praise all the time. And until I had some sinus issues, I couldn’t have imagined how this could work or be a good thing. Not that I have to use it much, but especially if my sinuses are affected by being sick, I find this can be very helpful.

If you’ve never heard of a sinus rinse, then you probably don’t have many sinus issues. But if your sinuses are irritated when you don’t feel well, then this could be the trick to clean it out. Many of my patients used to use Neti pots, and this sinus rinse is basically the same thing.

When you're feeling sick, Thai go is what to take

Super Antioxidant

This is one of those products we always take when we travel. You can see that my push with these products is to really support and increase my immune system when I’m feeling sick. I used to pop the OTC pills to drug me up and stop the nose from running when I was younger. But the difference now, is I try to catch it before it gets to that point.

There are times I will put these into my daily regimen if things are stressful, or someone around me has been sick.

What makes this super antioxidant so much different?? This capsule is full of turmeric which is a great antioxidant and anti inflammatory product. Which goes to show that maybe you already have these properties in something else you’re taking.

When you're feeling sick, silver liquid is what to take If feeling sick, silver liquid is what to take

Silver Shield

I’ve talked about silver before on the blog. I use the gel product for any pre cancerous red spots that I find on my body. And I just have to tell you, it’s the most rewarding thing when other readers email me to tell me how well it worked for them too.

Funny story about how I learned about liquid silver. One of my receptionists used to use it when her daughter got sick. This was WAY before I knew much about natural products, so I was intrigued. What is silver? Colloidal silver is a suspension of silver particles in a liquid. It’s an ancient remedy that was once used to treat bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Since the production of this product is not standardized, you should be careful about which ones you purchase. The interesting thing is we actually just purchased a bottle from Whole Foods. And it had a distinct taste whereas the Nature’s Sunshine product is tasteless.

Rob tends to take this quite often when he’s just not feeling up to par. I tend to save it for the times my throat is scratchy. Even the cats get a little occasionally. Maybe you wonder why we have two different bottles? We keep the small one for traveling. It’s not available in the 4 oz anymore, but a 6 oz instead. It’s not inexpensive, but we always say our health is the best investment.

Feeling sick? Well I have what to take

Tips and Tricks

I think it’s important to remember that we should be looking at the ingredients when we take supplements. And making sure the company has high standards with what they make. It’s not a regulated field, so there are many bad ones out there.

I’d say to even write down the different ingredients in each product when you mix them. You don’t want to be taking too much of one herb because that could possibly be harmful. Just like too much sugar in your body.

These are not the only products that help with the immune system for when you’re feeling sick. Yet we have found that these are the ones that work best for our bodies right now. Granted it’s good to remember that our bodies change over time. Therefore how your body absorbs and uses the products you take may need to be switched up.

If you are in bed sick, feel free to spend your time lounging in bed watching some of my new YouTube videos. This one is the short version for how to make your blazers more versatile.


The Facts

 I’m so glad to report that you should be able to Pin these images to your own Pinterest now. Except the first one. So I’d love it if you help me out and pin away! 

Even if you wouldn’t consider purchasing your clothing online, it can be helpful to look through my links to see what is available! It certainly doesn’t hurt my feelings, if you click on them but don’t like them. Just so you know, one of the ways I make money from this blog is through these linked items.

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