Winter Street Style in Arizona
My Arizona winter street style is certainly different than my Colorado version. Not that I’m rubbing it in (yes, I am), but I love the fact that I’m not freezing and having to layer so much.
Quote of the day: “The sub-conscious mind is like a bank – a universal bank; it magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it.” Dr. Joseph Murphy, Miracles of Your Mind
I wanted to use this quote because too many of us are negative about our bodies. Which is the reaction I’m expecting from many of you reading this because you would never wear shorts. Heck, when I was working I hardly ever wore shorts. I figured it wasn’t professional and I was getting too old for the item. Yet when we came out to AZ this summer, I was happy to see Lesley still wearing them and I decided that my shorts collection should grow too.
My mom shows her outfit for our fun outing this day too. Yet I will say that this “winter” day was warmer than some of the ones we’ve had lately. Not that it’s as cold as Colorado, but it has only been getting to a high of 65 degrees.
Lesley wore a pants style between what my mother and I wore. And you can see the fun we had for these photos. It was my husband’s dream festival.
Jodie’s Winter Street Style for Arizona

Shorts: Old Navy~~ Jacket: Fate ~~ Top: Banana Republic-thrifted ~~ Boots: ~~ Earrings: thrifted ~~ Purse: Target ~~ Hat: Tenth Street Hats c/o

As someone with a true love of shoes, I couldn’t purge all of my boots when we moved to Arizona. So I just had to figure out how I could wear them in the warmer weather. I got this idea from our apple picking outfit. That and I had experimented with shorts and boots with tights in Denver.
The morning was cooler so I added this jacket, but you can see how the outfit looks without it too. That’s how I looked most of the day.
What are the Best Accessories?
It’s hard to say which accessories are the best? I truly think that a hat and sunglasses are something that is going to make a big impression. And in the sun, they are also essentials. You’ll hear more about where we were this day but obviously it was outside.
My hat collection is something that has grown exponentially since retiring too. Maybe because I’m outside more. Maybe it’s because I couldn’t wear them while working. Either way, this one is my new favorite for straw hats. It was gifted from Tenth Street Hats. It’s the beading and charms that I love so much. And it’s not super expensive.
I’ve also been wearing rings a lot more lately. It was too hard wear them when I had to be in gloves day in and day out. While these aren’t accessories that other people notice as much, I still enjoy them.
Wearing Jackets in Arizona

Nancy just bought this jacket for me when she was out visiting as my birthday gift. The snakeskin print is so popular right now, and maybe that’s because it goes with everything. The three of us have worn it on the blog before and it really is a neutral.
This is a lightweight jacket which makes it perfect for the warmer days of Arizona. These shorts are almost a purple pink, and I think the snakeskin makes it seem a tad more wintery.
Why Over the Knee Boots

When I first discovered over the knee boots, I was in heaven. Sure, there is still that stigma about them, but I’m way over that. When you live in a place where it gets cold, these are definitely warmer. Whether you wear them with pants or skirts like we have on the blog.
And in opposition to that stigma, isn’t it better to be more covered in the winter instead of only wearing knee high boots? With skirts I always think it’s nice to show a tiny bit of leg between the skirt and boots like Sarah did recently. Then again, my mom has worn the taller boots to hide any leg between her skirt which is functional too.
I wore these same boots with a pair of suede shorts in my daily outfit post and wore them on Saturday.
Giving Up On Shorts?

On a quick soapbox note and I say this because I almost didn’t wear this outfit. I know so many of you have given up on shorts and I didn’t want to alienate any of you. But then I thought maybe you could still get some inspiration from the color scheme and such?
After writing about Perfectly Imperfect earlier this year, I am more aware how everyone is brainwashed. How? Brainwashed to think that if our bodies aren’t perfect they should be covered. Or that we should only wear certain items at a certain age or weight.
My body isn’t perfect. My legs have veins on them and they are starting to get some crepeiness to them. But that’s because I have lived a long life and it’s part of the package. Heck, if I had to cover all my imperfections, then I’d have to wear a paper bag over my head because of the cleft lip scar I have.
Besides, you are the one who notices your “imperfections” more than others. Stop hiding and enjoy life.

Photo credit: Rob Filogomo
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